Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome Home, Steve!

Steve came home from China on Monday night, after being gone for 17 days (I was counting ...). He had traveled to China in February this year, but Samantha was only 15 months old and didn't really understand that he was gone. This time, six months later, it was much more difficult for her.

We thought that it would be nice to use Skype and the webcam so that we could communicate at least once a day. In doing so, Samantha would be able to see and talk to her daddy. We learned during the first time that we did this, that it only made things worse. She hyperventilated to the point of throwing-up on me because she was so distraught over missing Steve and having to say goodbye to him over the computer. I still talked to him, but made sure that Sam was pre-occupied most of the time.

It was also difficult for me to keep telling a toddler at least 40 times a day that Daddy was at work and that Daddy would be home soon, etc. She kept looking out the window and asking where he was ... This broke my heart.

When he finally came home, Sam went running out the front door and met him in the driveway. The reunion was so sweet and he surprised her by bringing back a stuffed panda bear. I am convinced that that bear is now her most prized possession. She carries it with her everywhere, and sleeps with it tucked in her arms.

Unfortunately, there are more trips to China in Steve's future. Maybe it won't be so hard for Samantha now that we have experienced a "trial run" -- it's hard to say. I just try to keep her (and myself) as busy as possible so that the time flies by a little quicker. My mom and my sister have also been a big help in keeping Sam distracted and giving me some help around the house as well. For that, I am incredibly grateful.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Smoothie Slurper

When my mom came to visit a few days ago, she brought a smoothie with her and Samantha just loved it! My mom and Aunt Minnie introduced Sam to them a few months ago and ever since, Samantha has been a big fan ... Of course, part of the thrill of the smoothie is being able to use a straw, a task that Samantha quickly mastered a while ago.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

21 Months Old

Samantha is 21 months old today. Within the last few weeks, her expressive language has really started to develop. I am convinced that her three most favorite words right now are "up," "waffle" and "woof-woof" (which is her word for dog). She identifies most animals by the sounds that they make: cats are referred to as "meows" and chickens are referred to as "cluck-clucks." Those are just a few examples.

Her understanding for words is much more advanced. In fact, she can identify almost anything on any page in any of her books. She also takes directives very well and has become Mommy's little helper around the house.

She has been sleeping in her "big girl bed" for a couple of months now and she consistently sleeps for about 10.5 hours at night. We have been lucky that she is does not get up in the middle of the night; rather, she freely wakes up in the morning and then comes downstairs on her own. She takes one nap in the afternoon for about 2 hours (sometimes longer) and this seems to pace out her days nicely.

She is starting to display some frustration when things don't go her way. The drama develops and she closes her eyes tightly and pouts. Sometimes, she throws herself on the floor. These little "breakdowns," as I refer to them, only last for a minute. Then she is on to the next thing.

It's hard to imagine that we will be celebrating her 2nd birthday in a couple of months. I am careful these days not to refer to her as a baby anymore; instead, I call her my big girl. Deep inside, I wish that she could stay little forever, but I also love watching and observing all of the changes that are taking place. There is always a new story to tell Daddy about something she did or something that she said, and that is exciting too.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Priceless Picture

This picture is priceless to me. Aunt Minnie (my sister) called yesterday and wanted to talk to Samantha. When I told her who it was on the phone, Sam grabbed the phone away from me and walked with it, on her ear, into the kitchen. She continued to walk all over the house, listening and talking, the whole time. So cute!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Yesterday, I let Sam play with the hose in the front yard. She had a blast! The freezing cold water doesn't even seem to phase her ...

Intrigued by the water

She giggles every time the cold water touches her toes

Smiling for Mommy

It felt so good in the hot, humid weather!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Love for the Outdoors

Samantha has a real love for the outdoors. She enjoys the freedom of running in the grass, barefoot, as fast as she can. She loves picking up all pieces of nature from sticks to rocks to leaves and everything in between. She is the happiest when she is outside. For that reason, I hope that the Fall brings with it some nice weather so that we can continue to enjoy as much time outside as we can.

Pausing for a quick photo in the grass

Helping Mommy water her flowers

Thursday, August 12, 2010


From the time that Samantha was very little, she was always fascinated with Sesame Street and all of the characters on the show (hence the reason for a Big Bird 1st birthday party last year). One of the characters that she is particularly fond of lately is Slimey, Oscar's pet worm.

When we were at the store the other day, I discovered these clay worms that are meant to go in pots in order to gauge the water content of the soil. I showed Samantha and she just started giggling, right there in the aisle. So, I put "Slimey" in our cart and continued through the store. When I got to the check-out I discovered that someone managed to sneak another worm into the cart. Not a big deal -- I just purchased two of them.

When Sam got up from her nap later that afternoon, I had her come and see both Slimeys in their respective pots. Wow ... she was so excited. Below is a picture of her trying to feed Slimey one of her snacks:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Visit with Family

Yesterday, my Aunt Kathy, Aunt Beth and cousin Matt all came for a visit to see us. This was the first time that they had visited us at our new house and we had such a great time! During the visit, we took Sam down to the beach for a little while (not too long because it was WAY TOO HOT outside). We were down there just long enough to cool our feet in the lake and take a couple of pictures ...

Ready to go in her wagon

Getting more adventurous each time we visit the lake

Searching for rocks (one of her new favorite things to do)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Another Tigers Game!

Eating at HockeyTown before the game

I know that the picture is a little blurry, but it was the only picture that we were able to have taken with "Paws," the mascot for the Tigers. Steve and I had the opportunity to go to another Tigers game on Friday night and we had such a good time. It was something special that we were able to do before Steve flew out for China (work-related business) on Saturday. Even though the Tigers lost (they really are not doing well during this second-half of the season), we had great seats, perfect weather, and my favorite pitcher was on the mound. Go Tigers!

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Visit With Grandpa

Grandpa Lapinski came over yesterday for a visit and Samantha had the most fun with him! She had just learned how to say the word "up" and spent most of her time with Grandpa saying it so that she could sit in his lap. Another favorite word is "out" and she was constantly trying to take Grandpa's hand and lead him outside.
After a short while, it was snack-time, so Grandpa and Sam enjoyed some crackers and cider. I couldn't resist taking the picture above ... (Sam's little mouth is curved upwards from all of the crackers that she tried to stuff in her mouth -- very typical for her)!

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Whole New Look

Steve gave the wagon from Grandpa Lapinski (see the previous post) a face-lift this weekend and it looks as good as new! Steve was so proud that he promptly plopped Sam in the wagon and went on a couple of excursions with her around the neighborhood this weekend. At first, Sam seemed to stay near the front of the wagon, but now, she just lounges out in it and seems to really enjoy herself. Thanks again, Grandpa!

In other news, Samantha has really started to lessen her fears of loud noises and moving vehicles. She now loves to climb on Daddy's tractor when it is parked in the garage (all keys are removed, of course) and she was so proud when Daddy let her ride with him on the tractor this weekend.

First Day of School - 2024

The first day of school was on August 22nd and while we hate to see the end of summer come so early, we also know that we will still be able...