So, by the time that Sam woke up, Steve and I were already showered and dressed, and I had my brother's birthday cake in the oven baking for later that day. In fact, I greeted Sam at the top of the stairs that morning in my apron, not knowing that Steve would be recording me coming down the stairs with her in my baking apron ... Oh well.
The concept of "Santa Claus" is still a little foreign to Samantha at her age. She knows who Santa is by sight, but she doesn't quite get the concept that he comes once a year, in the middle of the night, to bring presents to sleeping little girls and boys. Her "Santa gifts" were under the tree in our family room and she raced right up to them and began opening them immediately, still not knowing (or caring) that they were from the man in the red suit and white beard.
Every year, our cats always get a couple of goodies from Santa in their stocking. This year was no exception, and Sam had the pleasure of opening those gifts for the cats.

By late morning, my parents, grandpa, uncle and most of my siblings had all arrived at our house to celebrate both Christmas and my brother's 21st birthday (he was born the day after Christmas). Samantha was dressed and ready to greet our guests by then.

One of the gifts on Christmas morning was a rocking horse that my dad had found in the attic this last Fall. It was made for my youngest sister by my grandpa when she was little. We kept it in our basement all Fall and then brought it out on Christmas Eve for Sam to see when she got up the next morning. She LOVES it! She climbs up on it and says, "rock," or "weee!"

One of her big gifts from Santa was a Graco doll playset, complete with a stoller, pack 'n play, bouncy chair and activity mat. She loves these toys and they are helping to prepare her for the baby that will be joining our family in 9 weeks (or less)!

It was a busy, but fun-filled family weekend for all of us. As this year draws to a close, we are reminded just how blessed we are to be able to live close enough to all of our family, and to be with them, not just at Christmas, but all year-round. Samantha is loved and cared for by so many people, and we enjoy watching as she interacts with all of them -- showing affection and love for everyone. She is truly our own special blessing and we look forward to celebrating the holidays next year with her and our new addition to the family!