Friday, April 25, 2014

Easter 2014

On Easter Eve, the girls set out the Easter baskets and a couple of carrots in anticipation for the Easter Bunny's arrival later that night. 

(I found the Easter baskets for the girls a couple of years ago and I had no hope whatsoever in finding a similar one for Jack after so many years.  Imagine my surprise when I found one -- with blue on it -- this year at Target.  My only "mom failure" was that I forgot to get some blue grass for it at the same time.  When I realized that I had no Easter grass for it {Easter Eve afternoon}, I went to three stores searching for blue Easter grass.  All of the stores were sold out at that late date, of course.  So, I just had to put some of Samantha's green grass in there this year.  Note to Momma: Buy blue Easter grass in a timely manner for Jack's Easter basket next year).

The Easter Bunny came to our house!

And he enjoyed a nice little snack:

The girls were thrilled, as usual:

Jack got to sit on the floor and take his Easter items out of his basket, one-by-one ...

Jack took his role seriously ... each item was removed and carefully placed on the floor:

Almost emptied out:

Jack's new book:

I am pretty sure that this pen (with a fan on it) is Sam's most treasured possession from the holiday season:

And, by far, Sophia's favorite item is her magnifying glass:

The Easter Bunny hid eggs around the house and the girls were SO GOOD at finding them this year.  Sam even commented that the Easter Bunny needed to hide them a little better!  We reminded her that Sophia can't find the eggs as easily as her and that the Bunny needed to make sure that Sophia had a fair chance in finding some.

Hunting in the same spot:

A basketful of eggs:

Almost caught up to her sister with the amount of eggs in her basket:

After their baskets were full, the girls set to work organizing their eggs (Jack was still busy playing with his new toys):

We gave each of the girls two bags so that they could sort their coins and candy that they scored from the egg hunt:

Sophia was a little slower at this task, but insisted on opening each and every egg herself:


Easter turned out to be a really nice day in terms of the weather, so I used the opportunity to take a few pictures of the kids outside.
Jack's First Easter:


Samantha, almost 5 1/2 years old:

Sophia, 3 years old:

These two love each other so much:

All of my babies:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Coloring Easter Eggs

Saturday night, we colored eggs with the girls for Easter.  Over the years, we have kept things pretty easy in terms of coloring.  As the kids get older, we may opt to use more sophisticated tools, like wax crayons and glitter.  For now, we're content with simplicity.

Watching the color tablets dissolve:

 Very gingerly lowering the hard boiled egg into the colored solution:

We are always sure to involve all of the kids in this activity every year, no matter how small they are.  Sometimes they are confined to their bouncy seat on the counter (Sophia was 2 months old one year) and other times, they sit in their high chair. 

Jack was satisfied playing with some plastic eggs from the egg hunt earlier in the day:

Daddy with his assistants:

And it wouldn't be fair to not have a picture with Momma, who was there to document everything, as usual:

Sophia did a really good job following directions ... and not breaking any eggs.  I think that that is because she helps me regularly in the kitchen and is used to taking directives.

Look at those cheeks.  Jack didn't want to miss a single thing.

Their last eggs ...

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt

Every year, on the Saturday before Easter, our subdivision hosts an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids down at the park.  We always partake in the festivities, no matter how cold it is.  Last year, it was downright frigid, and we were hopeful that this year would be a bit warmer (because Easter was three weeks later on the calendar). 

No such luck.  It was 38 degrees outside when we headed down to the park.  The kids didn't seem to mind hunting for eggs in their coats and gloves though.  It only made them go a little faster!

What a difference a year makes ... Sophia knew exactly what she was doing!

At one point, she just set her bag down and then went about collecting her eggs.  I guess that the bag was really hindering her ability to get as many eggs as she could.

Sam went her own way and collected lots of eggs herself.  Some of them were even buried in the sand!

Smiles for Momma ...

Running to show Daddy and Papa their loot:

Taking time for a quick drink and snack after all of that "hunting:"

Soon, the water will warm up and we will spend many days down at the park and lake.  I know that the kids are so anxious ...

Jack was too little to partake in the egg hunt of course, so he stayed bundled up in his stroller.  The girls stopped to show him their goodies though.

Daddy and his boy as soon as we got back home.



Grammy and Papa came and joined us for the egg hunt and then lunch afterwards.  The kids received a lot of gifts from them and it was so fun to watch their eyes light up over every little thing ...

Showing off her "Sugar-free" Peeps!

Jack was excited about all of the tissue paper and cellophane:

A new apron for my baking assistant:

Jack received some cereal bars.  He loves them!

And this crab sunhat and bib just crack me up ...  (My mom joked that she isn't sure who has the bigger eyes -- Jack or the crab)!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jack is 11 Months Old

One month from today, my little man will be exactly a year old.  All sorts of feelings are surrounding this thought -- sometimes I think that the months have gone by too quickly; I wish that they would slow down and keep my little boy "little."  Sometimes I forget just how small he was and how he would automatically just snuggle in close for some "momma-time;"  And other times, I start to relish how fun our days have been now that we are on a schedule and he is pretty predictable.

This last month, I managed to take Jack to the lab for a blood allergy test.  He has always had sensitive skin (flare-ups with patches of eczema) and his doctor suggested that we have a blood panel done to rule out any allergies, even the most obscure ones.  Jack did great; he barely even whimpered while his blood was being drawn.  I attribute this to the fact that I was able to hold him the entire time, instead of having to lay him down and restrain him like he normally is for his vaccinations.  The blood work came back negative for any allergies, and his skin has actually been looking pretty good lately (knock on wood).

Jack has not attempted to crawl yet, and I am content with that.  I like the fact that I can set him down in one area and know that he isn't going to go too far.  With that being said, he just started this week really reaching for items and preparing for the crawling position. 

(Momma's phone is always a great attraction):

In my experience, my babies begin stretching for items just out of their reach and then flip their legs over and assume the crawling position.  Jack is just about ready to begin flipping his legs over ... I give it just a matter of days.

In the meantime, Jack loves to play with all of his toys.  He has begun "talking" to them now ... cooing and changing the tone of his voice as he moves from toy to toy.

In general, he is content to play with his toys for 20 minute intervals, assuming that all of the variables are in place.  That is, if he is not overly tired, hungry or has a dirty diaper.

He found this "oldie but goodie" Elmo book that has been with us for years.  He figured out how to push the "doorbell" button on it and it brings him such pleasure.  I must hear that doorbell ring 20 times a day (and I have gone to the front door at least twice now thinking that someone was there!).

And finally ... some BOY toys!  Yes, Jack thought that he was the king of the house when he discovered Sam's remote controlled truck.  Jack even knows how to move it back and forth as if he is driving the truck!

When I am in the kitchen, Jack likes to join me.  His new fascination is the dishwasher -- particularly the door.  He scoots back and forth with the door and seems to have so much fun playing with it.  My girls are still in charge of unloading it, though!

Another new interest: the cats.  Jack officially knows the word "kitty" now and all I have to do is say the word and he begins crooning his neck to try and find one of them within sight.  He even changes his voice an entire octave every time he sees one of them.  It makes me smile.
Perhaps Jack's greatest accomplishment this month was the use of his sippee cup.  He has finally mastered holding it for himself!  We have been encouraging this for the last several weeks, but he finally understands the concept now. 
With this milestone begins the end of his baby phase.  Jack has begun self-weaning from nursing.  When I realized what was happening, I was a little bit sad.  I guess that I always thought that I would have to be the one to begin the process with him, not the other way around.  Now that he figured out that he can drink milk from a sippee cup anytime that he wants, he prefers that.  

We are down to only one nursing session a day (first thing in the morning) and then he drinks organic whole cow's milk during the day.  I am mixing in the last bit of my frozen supply, and then he will be consuming just the cow's milk.  It doesn't seem to give him any problem -- he loves that and his organic whole milk yogurt. 
With this change in his diet, I am anxious to see how much more he has begun to plump up.  We will go back to the doctor in a month for his 1 year check-up.  My baby is not a baby anymore ...

First Day of School - 2024

The first day of school was on August 22nd and while we hate to see the end of summer come so early, we also know that we will still be able...