Sunday, July 27, 2014

Jack's First Ice Cream Cone

Jack has had ice cream before; on his birthday, out to eat and from the ice cream shop in town.  But ... he has never experienced an ice cream cone before -- until last night. 

After dinner (and after we had picked up the house), I promised the kids that I had a surprise for them.  Ice cream cones!  To quote Sam: "Could this day get any better?!"  I had to agree.

I handed Jack his ice cream cone and he took a single lick of the cold ice cream ...

... And decided that he really liked this method.  It was like he had been having ice cream cones his whole life.  Seriously, he was a natural.

Yup, he was a fan.

Once he had eaten most of the ice cream, he kept putting the cone up to his mouth to get just a little bit more.

Eventually, I had to show him that he could actually EAT the cone.  He loved that.


Luckily, I timed this perfectly to run right into bath time.  My little man was stripped down and taken straight to the tub to wash away any last remaining tastes of chocolate. 

And the girls?  Well, they did a much better job of staying clean!

Friday, July 25, 2014

My Growing Kids

Last week, we met Aunt Minnie for lunch.  I have learned that we can only handle one or two places in a single morning before the kids begin to fuss and become irritable.  I am hoping that this will get better (and I can feel more productive) once Jack is a little bit older -- maybe we can handle two quick stores and then lunch?!  Fingers crossed. 

Before we met Aunt Minnie and Louie for lunch in Okemos, I couldn't resist taking a couple of pictures of the kids.  They have grown up right before my eyes this summer ...

Those sunglasses just only add to the "aging" process:

Still sporting our patriotic colors for the month:

Best friends forever:

My whole world:


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Jack is 14 Months Old

Whew!  This has been a doozy of a month -- so many changes and growth developments with my little man.  It seems that he is learning something new every single day and growing like a weed.  He is most definitely not a baby anymore; toddlerhood is officially here.

I pulled a walker down for him from the shelf in his closet.  It has been passed down from Samantha to Sophia and now to Jack.  He has been using it for almost a month now, and just last week, he actually started taking steps with it.  It goes too fast for him on the hardwood floors, so he is better with it on the carpeting.  It's amazing to see the development from just standing with it to now becoming more and more mobile with it.

Jack began with a seated position:

And worked himself up to a standing position:

About two weeks ago, Jack began pulling himself to a standing position, using anything that he could.  His balance was a little wobbly at first, but now, he is an expert.  He will pull himself up to anything now. 

The kitchen trashcan is just the right height to use as a balancing tool:

Having a "stare-down" with Mia, our big momma cat:

His most favorite thing to do is to pull himself up to windows and look out.  If someone is outside, he will shout at them to get their attention.  It is incredibly adorable.

Jack's crib mattress has officially been lowered down as far as it can go.  Once he learned how to pull himself up to a standing position (instead of a seated position), I immediately declared that it was time to lower the mattress.  It is only a matter of time before he tries to climb out ... and I am not going to risk that.

It's funny how Jack seems to be "all boy."  It's almost instinctual the way that he wants to play with trucks, cars, balls, etc.  He loves to throw and loves to ride on anything that is moving.  With two older sisters, I am surprised just how little he cares for pink princesses and tea parties! 

Crawling on the couch cushions when Momma was vacuuming the couch:

Sitting on his car (also passed down from one child to the next):

Jack's crawling has improved significantly this month.  He is FAST!  We have also noticed that he will pull his right leg under himself (almost "gimping it") only when he is on hard surfaces.  Once he makes it to a softer surface (i.e. carpeting), he immediately switches to a two-legged crawl.  I don't blame him; hard surfaces can be rough on bare knees in the summertime.

His "downward dog" yoga position, something that I see on a daily basis:

Jack has also discovered the stairs.  I think that I have a little bit of time before he starts to climb, but we are also talking about our options for those stairs ... just in case my active little boy has ideas of regularly mounting the stairs before I am ready.

For two solid weeks, Jack screamed A LOT.  There was incessant crying and fussiness and I couldn't seem to figure out why.  I mean, it was rough.  By the end of the day, I was exhausted.  I kept feeling in the front of his mouth for another tooth (he has had the same 5 teeth in the front for months), but couldn't feel anything poking through.  Well ... I finally made the discovery, while wresting with him upside down, that he had cut a MOLAR.  Yes, all four points of the molar were through his gums.  Whew!  What a difference that had made!  I just wasn't thinking that it was time for molars to come in yet, but I should have known better.

With this new fussiness, Jack became very picky with his eating habits.  Foods that he loved were being pitched onto the floor with rapid speed.  He was spitting out his favorite fruits.  Mealtime was becoming increasingly hard.  Eventually, I decided to give Jack the liberty of feeding himself entirely.  His desire for independence was evident.  And you know what?  Jack loved it.

Yes, we put the big tray back on the high chair, and set his plate on it.  He quietly ate his meal that way.  Sure, a few things made it to the floor, but the majority of his meal was consumed.  And our meals were so much more peaceful.

After that meal, I opted to undress him for all future meals.   Feeding one's self at that age can be a messy affair.

Jack continues to drink whole, organic cow's milk exclusively (going through a gallon about every 6 days).  He doesn't care for yogurt as much right now, but he does love beans -- such a good way to get extra protein into his diet.  He has water once in a while in his sippee cup, if we are going someplace warm and I don't feel like bringing milk.  He seems to do well with that.  No juice, of course.  The introduction of juice at an early age is not good -- partly because of the sugars (even if it is diluted), but also because a child is more likely to prefer that compared to milk.

Jack goes to bed between 7:30 - 8:00 pm and sleeps until about 7:30 am.  We did have a few nights of crying (the MOLAR!), but usually once he is settled in with his blanket, he stays asleep for the whole night.

Rocking to sleep with Daddy during a "fussy" night:

Bibs are still a necessity these days.  I had hoped by this time that we could begin foregoing the bibs on a daily basis, but Jack is still a big drooler -- maybe because of that molar?  Regardless, any prolonged period of time without a bib means major drool on his collar!

Stacking blocks (with a drool-soaked shirt):

Jack has started working on "puzzles."  They only have six pieces, but it is so fun to work with him to put the designated piece in the right location.  Also, it is never too early to work on his colors.

"Put the green frog where it goes, Jack ... ribbit, ribbit ..."

Monday, July 14, 2014

Papa's Birthday

My dad turns 66 tomorrow, so in honor of his birthday, we had a small family gathering at my house.  Really, that's all that my dad wants ... family and food, together in a low-key celebration.

Sophia helped make a lot of the food, including Grasshopper Pie and my famous raspberry cheesecake. 

It's surprising just how many tasks I can give her to do to include her in a lot of the food prep.  She ground up walnuts for the broccoli salad, added raisins and stirred the sauce for it.  She mixed the lemonade and added all of the ice cubes herself.  She also opened all of the tea bags for iced tea -- but I naively forgot to show her what I meant by "opening the tea bags."  The first two bags ended up COMPLETELY open with tea all over the counter, when I really just meant to take them out of their paper wrappers!

Our guests arrived and we spent the first part of the "party" outside in the garage, while Steve fired up the grill and prepared the entre portion of our feast. 

Jack and my dad did some extra bonding:

The highlight of our celebration though might just have been the "rocket" that Steve engineered with the girls the day before.  I jokingly referred to it as our "7th grade science fair project," but all jokes aside, it is a pretty spectacular thing to witness:

The set-up:

Filling the bottle with water:

Water is optional, but it sure makes it even more fun to watch ...

Using a bicycle pump to build up the pressure:

Pump approximately 10 times and then pull the handle and watch the bottle soar into the air:

The girls put on a wonderful performance for us with the rocket, complete with introductions.  When they asked for an assistant, Sophia chose Uncle Z to help.  He gladly took over for Steve, and I am not sure who had more fun -- him or the girls. 

Shortly thereafter, we retired back inside for dessert (and singing "happy birthday" to Papa).  We lit the candles on one of the desserts and took a few pictures of Papa blowing out the candles with his grandchildren.  So precious ...

Happy Birthday, Papa!  We love you!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer Sidewalk Chalk

One night after running through the sprinkler and playing in The Hippo Pool, I moved the kids into the driveway so that we could make some chalk drawings.  Our chalk collection is starting to dwindle after lots and lots of masterpieces have been created over the last couple of months. 

Note to self: I will need to stock-up on sidewalk chalk at the end of summer to prepare for next year.

I have looked at this picture of Samantha no less than 20 times this morning, wondering where my little girl went.  Everything is getting so long on her -- her arms, her legs, her hair.  She is growing up right before my eyes.

Even Sophia is getting taller.  It's hard to imagine that she will be turning 3 1/2  next month and starting preschool in September.  Sometimes I need time to just slow down so that I can catch up.

And this little man with the pudgy rolls of cuteness is changing so much every day, as well.  He barely sits still long enough for me to snap a picture these days ... crawling and pulling up onto everything.  Here, he was mimicking his older sisters with the chalk.

Within just a few short moments, he decided that he liked sorting the chalk a little bit better; moving a piece from the driveway to the bucket and then starting all over again.

The "Concerned Citizen" look ...

Most likely, he caught sight of his older sisters doing something that he had an interest in and was just planning his next move.  His range of expressions just make me laugh these days.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Hippo Pool

I have a special place in my heart for The Hippo Pool. 

I bought it for Samantha's first summer; she was 7 months old and we lived in the city with a back deck perfect for a kiddie pool.  It was just the perfect size to provide some shade and a cool place for her to sit (and me to dip my feet).

By the following summer, we had already moved into subdivision with a lake.  There was no need for a little kiddie pool.  Sam was too big for it and the lake was far more enticing.  So The Hippo Pool stayed packed away for two more years ... until Sophia could use it.

Really, Sophia was also used to the lake by then (being almost 16 months old) and was considering taking her first steps.  She spent quite a bit of time crawling in and out of the pool, and it was fun to take pictures and reminisce.  And it was cute to see both of my girls splashing around in the little pool together.

Fast forward another two years and here we are with Jack now.  The Hippo Pool made her debut a couple of days ago and it was nostalgic yet again. 

I had filled the pool the day before, hoping that the water would warm up a bit before placing him in the pool.  The last thing that I wanted was for the water to be TOO cold, making for a not-so-positive experience for Jack.

Jack enjoyed sitting in the pool, but in typical "boy fashion," he was already bailing over the side in no time.  In and out of the pool he went ...

Such a serious look, as he contemplated getting back in again.

The Hippo Pool will likely stay set-up in the front yard for a few days at a time.  While Jack plays in the pool, the girls enjoy running through the sprinkler behind him. 

And me?  Well, I set up a chair and watch as my babies soak up these days of summer.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Splish Splashin'

We've had quite a few thunderstorms move through our area in the last couple of weeks.  Most of them have been in the evenings and into the night, which has its own list of pros and cons. 
Pro: Those rainstorms don't usually interfere with our daily plans and keep us cooped up inside.
Con: The lightning and thunder is enough to disturb even the soundest of sleepers. 
The next morning, the girls are ready and rearing to get outside and jump in the puddles.  There is something so inviting about splashing in the water! 

There are usually enough puddles for each girl to find their own and jump until their heart is content.  (Sophia was starting to slow down here ...).

And then sometimes, just for the fun of it, they jump together!

And if the puddles in the driveway are not deep enough, the girls have been known to put on their bathing suits and play in the ditch!

"Brrrr ... it's cold, Momma!"

Climbing out:

By next year, Jack will certainly be out there with his sisters ...

First Day of School - 2024

The first day of school was on August 22nd and while we hate to see the end of summer come so early, we also know that we will still be able...