Our weekday schedules are hectic this year. Tuesday and Wednesday nights have always been my teaching nights, so I have dinner made and ready to go the second that Steve walks in the back door. The kids' plates are prepared, their drinks are filled and the table is set. All Steve has to do is put the warm part of the meal on the plate for them. Most of the time, those nights are reserved for casseroles, tacos, sandwiches/soup ... something easy and not time-consuming since I walk out the door about ten minutes after Steve comes in.
To complicate matters even more this year, Mondays and Thursdays are dance nights for Sophia and Samantha, respectively. So with dance starting at 5:30 pm and 5:00 pm, it leaves little time for big meals again ... let's just say, I have been getting very creative with the meals so that we can still enjoy a family meal that is healthy and balanced, while also being easy to re-heat for those family members that are zipping out the door.
Sophia has always been my biggest helper in the kitchen. She squeals out loud each and every time that I ask if she would like to put her apron on and help me. Sam enjoys it too, but she is usually in school or busy doing something else outside.
The other day, Sophia helped me make potato soup in the crockpot. In the past, Steve and I have always made it on the stovetop, but I discovered that I can cut my prep time tremendously by using frozen hash browns and making it in the crockpot. I modified it slightly from the original recipe and determined that this will go in our monthly rotation for sure.
Most of the ingredients were easy for Sophia to simply pour/dump into the crockpot herself.
I cut up the onion, obviously, and Sophia added it to the mix inside:
She started out adding the onion chunks one-by-one, but I soon encouraged her to add them by the handful.
Adding the ham was also a very easy task for her. I even turned it into a number game by asking her to count her handfuls.
As I mentioned, Sam seems to be in school when I do most of my cooking, but I made sure to include her this last weekend. She is proud of the fact that she is able to "use the stove," while Sophia is limited to much safer cooking techniques ...
I am so happy that both of the girls love to accompany me in the kitchen. I seem to spend most of my time there (which I love), and with the holidays approaching, I imagine that we will be doing a lot of baking and cooking together ...
Monday, September 22, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Jack is 16 Months Old
Jack is 16 months old today, and is one active little boy. He keeps me running from one end of the house to the other lately.
Jack had his 15-month check-up at the doctor's office at the end of August. He weighed 25 lbs. 2 oz., putting him in the 80th percentile (yes, he's a big boy!) and was 31.25" long, putting him in the 50th percentile.
Coloring at the doctor's office:
We had to move our bench, which normally sits by our front door, in front of our stairs in an attempt to thwart Jack from climbing the stairs. We have to move it repeatedly in order to climb up the stairs for naptime and bedtime, so I put some washcloths under it to keep the bench from scratching the floor. I also had to put pillows under the bench because Jack figured out that he can go under the bench and climb up the stairs. It is quite the fashion statement for anyone that comes in the front door. Hopefully we will be able to put it back to its normal location soon.
We're still unsure whether Jack is going to have curly hair. Obviously, both Samantha and Sophia inherited curly hair from their momma, but it's too early to tell with Jack. It is beginning to curl at the back though and humidity can do a real number on it!
There are wispy curls at the back for sure:
This last month, I began making an honest effort to brush Jack's teeth every day. It's about time since he has 12 teeth now (he cut 7 of them within a 6-week timespan). He loves it!
Testing out the toothbrush for the first time:
Brushing his pearly whites:
Jack loves to be doing anything that the girls are doing, and he especially loves to be outside. I am amazed just how quickly he learned to use chalk (and not put it in his mouth).
Jack took his first "official" steps on August 31st. We had been working with him for a few days, but he would get lazy and drop down to the floor and crawl whenever he felt the least bit unsteady. That afternoon, he began taking three or four steps in a row ...
The next day, we started working with him to use his "popper." This requires quite a bit more balance on his part, compared to using one of his walkers. He is just starting to get the hang of it now ...
Jack is also pretty excited about his "new" car. When we moved into our subdivision, over four years ago, we purchased this car at the annual garage sale. Sam used it that summer, and Sophia used it when she was old enough. A couple of weeks ago, Steve dug it out of the basement and dusted it off ... all while Jack was squealing with excitement. He couldn't even wait for us to take it outside before he attempted to climb inside!
Jack still uses his walkers quite a bit. In fact, I try to keep one of them in the van, just in case we stop some place where he can use it. One such location is the orchard. He pushed that walker all around that day ...
This last weekend, Jack officially mastered walking. Just shy of 16 months, he began cruising around the house. (For reference, Sam began walking at 15 months, Sophia began walking at 17 months, and then Jack was right in between. Yes, I raised "late walkers" in my house and don't feel the least bit bothered by it. To me, the later they walk, the slower they travel and the less trouble they can get into ... I think).
Now, Jack prefers to walk to most locations in the house. We get the biggest kick out of it because he huffs and puffs and concentrates so hard. And, he keeps his hands above his head the whole time -- for balance, I suspect. Oh, and he just giggles the entire way. He definitely loves that new-found freedom.
Jack's recent accident: The majority of the doors in our house have a swivel handle. We are convinced that it is because the house was built for an older couple, in their 70s, where arthritis may have been an issue. We have talked about replacing those door handles ever since we moved in because they are not very secure for kids or for cats (Watson learned how to jump up on the handle and get into Samantha's room when she was younger, prompting me to replace her handle almost immediately).
I mentioned to Steve that we needed to officially replace the handles on our bathroom door and the basement door because those are presenting problems for me with Jack. Yup, he can stand on tiptoe and open the doors. He had not attempted with the basement door (YET), but he had successfully opened our bathroom door and locked himself inside. Cue my anxiety.
That same day, Steve went to Home Depot and opted (for reasons that I cannot even fathom) to not purchase door handles. So, literally that afternoon, while I was in the hallway, Jack successfully opened the basement door and pushed his walker and himself down the (carpeted) basement stairs. I have never screamed so loud in all of my life.
Steve came running as I scooped Jack up from the bottom of the stairs (shaken up, but relatively unharmed -- a true blessing). Without a word, Steve grabbed a screwdriver and immediately replaced the basement door with the door handle from the girls' room.
Later that night, the bruise started to show up under his right eye from his fall. Other than that, he is just fine. The first of many accidents to come (if his lack of fear and complete curiosity are any indication), I am sure.
Just this month, Jack has really started showing an interest in books. He loves for us to show him things in the book and then ask him to point to those objects. We have a lot of books like that, and we rotate through them. Even Sophia loves to work with him and the picture books ...
Jack had his 15-month check-up at the doctor's office at the end of August. He weighed 25 lbs. 2 oz., putting him in the 80th percentile (yes, he's a big boy!) and was 31.25" long, putting him in the 50th percentile.
Coloring at the doctor's office:
We had to move our bench, which normally sits by our front door, in front of our stairs in an attempt to thwart Jack from climbing the stairs. We have to move it repeatedly in order to climb up the stairs for naptime and bedtime, so I put some washcloths under it to keep the bench from scratching the floor. I also had to put pillows under the bench because Jack figured out that he can go under the bench and climb up the stairs. It is quite the fashion statement for anyone that comes in the front door. Hopefully we will be able to put it back to its normal location soon.
We're still unsure whether Jack is going to have curly hair. Obviously, both Samantha and Sophia inherited curly hair from their momma, but it's too early to tell with Jack. It is beginning to curl at the back though and humidity can do a real number on it!
There are wispy curls at the back for sure:
This last month, I began making an honest effort to brush Jack's teeth every day. It's about time since he has 12 teeth now (he cut 7 of them within a 6-week timespan). He loves it!
Testing out the toothbrush for the first time:
Brushing his pearly whites:
Jack loves to be doing anything that the girls are doing, and he especially loves to be outside. I am amazed just how quickly he learned to use chalk (and not put it in his mouth).
Jack took his first "official" steps on August 31st. We had been working with him for a few days, but he would get lazy and drop down to the floor and crawl whenever he felt the least bit unsteady. That afternoon, he began taking three or four steps in a row ...
The next day, we started working with him to use his "popper." This requires quite a bit more balance on his part, compared to using one of his walkers. He is just starting to get the hang of it now ...
Jack is also pretty excited about his "new" car. When we moved into our subdivision, over four years ago, we purchased this car at the annual garage sale. Sam used it that summer, and Sophia used it when she was old enough. A couple of weeks ago, Steve dug it out of the basement and dusted it off ... all while Jack was squealing with excitement. He couldn't even wait for us to take it outside before he attempted to climb inside!
Jack still uses his walkers quite a bit. In fact, I try to keep one of them in the van, just in case we stop some place where he can use it. One such location is the orchard. He pushed that walker all around that day ...
This last weekend, Jack officially mastered walking. Just shy of 16 months, he began cruising around the house. (For reference, Sam began walking at 15 months, Sophia began walking at 17 months, and then Jack was right in between. Yes, I raised "late walkers" in my house and don't feel the least bit bothered by it. To me, the later they walk, the slower they travel and the less trouble they can get into ... I think).
Now, Jack prefers to walk to most locations in the house. We get the biggest kick out of it because he huffs and puffs and concentrates so hard. And, he keeps his hands above his head the whole time -- for balance, I suspect. Oh, and he just giggles the entire way. He definitely loves that new-found freedom.
Jack's recent accident: The majority of the doors in our house have a swivel handle. We are convinced that it is because the house was built for an older couple, in their 70s, where arthritis may have been an issue. We have talked about replacing those door handles ever since we moved in because they are not very secure for kids or for cats (Watson learned how to jump up on the handle and get into Samantha's room when she was younger, prompting me to replace her handle almost immediately).
I mentioned to Steve that we needed to officially replace the handles on our bathroom door and the basement door because those are presenting problems for me with Jack. Yup, he can stand on tiptoe and open the doors. He had not attempted with the basement door (YET), but he had successfully opened our bathroom door and locked himself inside. Cue my anxiety.
That same day, Steve went to Home Depot and opted (for reasons that I cannot even fathom) to not purchase door handles. So, literally that afternoon, while I was in the hallway, Jack successfully opened the basement door and pushed his walker and himself down the (carpeted) basement stairs. I have never screamed so loud in all of my life.
Steve came running as I scooped Jack up from the bottom of the stairs (shaken up, but relatively unharmed -- a true blessing). Without a word, Steve grabbed a screwdriver and immediately replaced the basement door with the door handle from the girls' room.
Later that night, the bruise started to show up under his right eye from his fall. Other than that, he is just fine. The first of many accidents to come (if his lack of fear and complete curiosity are any indication), I am sure.
Just this month, Jack has really started showing an interest in books. He loves for us to show him things in the book and then ask him to point to those objects. We have a lot of books like that, and we rotate through them. Even Sophia loves to work with him and the picture books ...
One thing that Jack is not very good with is sitting still. He prefers to be on the run at all times, almost as if he is afraid that he is going to miss something, or someone is going to leave him behind. If I can get him to sit down and focus on a Sesame Street video for any period of time, there is going to have to be a snack involved. (Which reminds me, the door handle on the pantry -- where the snacks are kept -- also needs to be replaced. Jack can easily get in there, as well).
One of the words that Jack can say is "cat." He will often point to one of the cats and then say it. And, if they let him, he really enjoys petting them and loving on them. He's also starting to repeat words and sounds. And the babbling that he does is the cutest thing ever ... he changes the inflections in his voice as if he is mimicking real-live conversations.
I am sure that the next month is going to fly by in the wink of an eye. With the girls in school (full-time for Sam and part-time for Sophia, with dance classes mixed in between) I am certainly enjoying a little more one-on-one time with Jack a couple mornings a week and some evenings too. He definitely misses the girls when they are gone and loves to have them come home, but he also likes not having to compete for my attention ...
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Beginning of the Week Randoms
Fall is here with it's crisp air and cooler temperatures. I need to begin organizing the hall closet and evaluating what types of hats, gloves, coats, etc. that we have available for the kids this season. I also need to pack away the summer clothes and bring out the longer pants and sweatshirts. Even so, if there is a day when the weather still feels even the slightest bit warmer, the kids take advantage of it. We are still riding bikes and doing sidewalk chalk.
I just love it when the kids work together as a team ...
The girls have started taking dance lessons this season, which makes my momma heart so happy. This is Sophia's first year of dance and she couldn't possibly be more excited. She's enrolled in the "Baby Stars" class on Monday nights (some very basic fundamentals with tumbling and minor acrobatics mixed in). But, we learned very quickly not to refer to it by that name -- "it is NOT a baby class" -- so, we just call it her dance class or her acrobatics class!
This is Samantha's 3rd year of dance lessons, and we opted to let her take both a ballet class and a tap class this year. We are two weeks in, and she really enjoys them, not once complaining about the extended class time on Thursday nights.
A couple of weeks ago, our road in the subdivision got a whole new layer of asphalt added to it. It was a long-overdue project and we are pleased with the results (even if it means that us residents will be paying for it out-of-pocket over the next five years). The girls were pretty intrigued by the whole process, but Jack was even more excited. That boy spent ungodly amounts of time by the windows, watching as the big trucks did their work.
I finally opened the window (even though the smell was intoxicating) for a short time so that Jack could hear the engines a little bit better ...
Getting ready to leave for school ... The mornings are so much darker now because of the changing seasons.
The school colors for Laingsburg are red and black (Go Wolfpack!) with some white mixed it. For the first Friday back to school, Sam was encouraged to wear red and white. I frantically searched her closet -- making a mental note that we need to get a couple of Laingsburg school spirit tee-shirts and a few more wardrobe options with red, black and white in them.
That morning, she was thrilled to be able to wear her fancy red skirt with her white shirt and a flower in her hair. My mom said it best when she commented that she looked like a "junior high cheerleader." (And of course, Sophia couldn't miss an opportunity to pose for the camera!).
Grandpa came over for a visit on Sunday and was able to stay and watch the Tigers' baseball game with us that night. Before the girls headed upstairs for bedtime, Grandpa obliged and played three games of memory with them. Too funny: Sophia kept helping Grandpa by showing him where the matches were!
Sophia had a great week at school last week. And then yesterday, as I was getting ready to leave her at preschool, she started crying. She kept telling me that she didn't want me to go.
We talked for quite a while, as I kept noting in my mind that she wasn't telling me that she wanted to go home; she wanted to stay at school, but she didn't want ME to leave. I suspect that it is because she still needs to make a good friend there. Mrs. Hicks took her from me and I slipped out the door knowing that she was in good hands and would settle down soon.
Later, when I picked her up from school, she was full of smiles. It turned out that she was the leader that day (it just happened that way) and the kids all got to choose one special item from the treasure chest before they went home. She chose this little pink duck:
I talked to her teacher a little bit about my theory and we're going to continue to help her make friends. It was only the 4th day of school anyway.
Sophia has a very likeable, outgoing personality. She loves to joke and she loves to smile and laugh. She just needs make more friends in the classroom and then she will excel!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Sophia's First Day of School -- Preschool
Sophia's first day of school was the 8th of September -- her preschool opts to start the first full week after Labor Day. I was kind of happy about this because it gave me a chance to get used to Samantha's routine, before adding in another drop-off in the mornings.
Showing off her ladybug book-bag, one that she has had for a year and a half now ... just waiting for her first day of school.
She wanted to pose with Sam too -- I just love the look on her face, as she is looking over at her sister ... just full of excitement because she finally gets to go to school.
Taking a picture outside her school:
Sophia began playing with some of the toys as soon as we arrived. She is very familiar with the school because she went with me every time I dropped off/picked up Sam two years ago. And now Jack will be doing the same thing ...
Yes, she just felt right at home. She barely even said good-bye to me! Ha!
Overall, she had a great first day of learning. My only regret was that I was not informed that they changed the pick-up time for the morning session. Her class is done at 11 am (rather than 11:30 am, like it used to be for Sam's class). So, when Jack and I arrived at 11:26 am to pick her up, she started saying, "What take you so long, Momma? Why you not here so early?"
By the time that we arrived home, she was fine with the fact that I was a bit late getting there to pick her up. In fact, she was more interested in telling me about her snack that she had at school that day!
Showing off her ladybug book-bag, one that she has had for a year and a half now ... just waiting for her first day of school.
She wanted to pose with Sam too -- I just love the look on her face, as she is looking over at her sister ... just full of excitement because she finally gets to go to school.
Taking a picture outside her school:
Sophia began playing with some of the toys as soon as we arrived. She is very familiar with the school because she went with me every time I dropped off/picked up Sam two years ago. And now Jack will be doing the same thing ...
Yes, she just felt right at home. She barely even said good-bye to me! Ha!
Overall, she had a great first day of learning. My only regret was that I was not informed that they changed the pick-up time for the morning session. Her class is done at 11 am (rather than 11:30 am, like it used to be for Sam's class). So, when Jack and I arrived at 11:26 am to pick her up, she started saying, "What take you so long, Momma? Why you not here so early?"
By the time that we arrived home, she was fine with the fact that I was a bit late getting there to pick her up. In fact, she was more interested in telling me about her snack that she had at school that day!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Samantha's First Day of School -- 1st Grade
Samantha started school the day after Labor Day, the 2nd of September. There was absolutely no hesitation on her part; she was excited and ready for her full day of school. With her lunch packed and her book-bag zipped, she paused for a few minutes so that I could take some pictures of my FIRST GRADER!
Naturally, Sophia wanted a picture taken with her big sister.
And Steve took a few out on the new deck:
I still don't know where she gets her long, giraffe legs from ...
Once we arrived at the elementary school, I walked Samantha into her classroom. I wanted to be sure that she got everything settled, and I wanted a chance to personally meet her teacher (as I missed out on Meet the Teacher Night the week before).
Sam and her teacher, Mrs. Elliott:
Before we left, Samantha had already sat down at her desk and began coloring. Of course, her little brother and sister were close-by the whole time.
Sam's first day of school was also Barb's birthday -- our first year celebrating it without her. In honor of the day, even though she is no longer with us, we chose to bake some brownies. After all, it was no secret just how much Barb loved chocolate ...
While we were baking the brownies, Sophia and I talked about Grandma a lot. She remembers quite a few things about her -- not as much as Sam remembers though -- and I think that it is good to remind her of those memories as often as I can. I especially like to tell Sophia that she got her blue eyes (my only blue-eyed child) from Grandma and from Papa.
We added some chocolate chips and some peanut butter chips, just for a little extra goodness. As Sophia was adding them to the batter and stirring, I suddenly remembered how I made Barb a Reeses Peanut Butter cake from scratch last year for her birthday. Yes, it was definitely fitting that we made brownies with peanut butter chips in them that day.
While Samantha was in school, I made sure that Sophia did a little "school work" of her own.
I have chosen to take Sam to school myself in the mornings for the time being (instead of having her ride the bus) for a couple of reasons. First of all, I have to take Sophia to school three out of five mornings anyway. Secondly, it is a LONG ride for Samantha in the morning if she rides the bus. The bus would pick her up at 7 am and drop her off at school at 7:45 am. I may choose to have her ride the bus a couple of mornings a week, but for now, she just rides it home in the afternoon for a much shorter ride.
On Sam's first day, Sophia got up from her nap a little early so that she could wait with me in the driveway for the school bus to arrive. And when it finally did ... wow ... Sophia was so happy to see her sister!
Naturally, Sophia wanted a picture taken with her big sister.
And Steve took a few out on the new deck:
I still don't know where she gets her long, giraffe legs from ...
Once we arrived at the elementary school, I walked Samantha into her classroom. I wanted to be sure that she got everything settled, and I wanted a chance to personally meet her teacher (as I missed out on Meet the Teacher Night the week before).
Sam and her teacher, Mrs. Elliott:
Before we left, Samantha had already sat down at her desk and began coloring. Of course, her little brother and sister were close-by the whole time.
Sam's first day of school was also Barb's birthday -- our first year celebrating it without her. In honor of the day, even though she is no longer with us, we chose to bake some brownies. After all, it was no secret just how much Barb loved chocolate ...
While we were baking the brownies, Sophia and I talked about Grandma a lot. She remembers quite a few things about her -- not as much as Sam remembers though -- and I think that it is good to remind her of those memories as often as I can. I especially like to tell Sophia that she got her blue eyes (my only blue-eyed child) from Grandma and from Papa.
We added some chocolate chips and some peanut butter chips, just for a little extra goodness. As Sophia was adding them to the batter and stirring, I suddenly remembered how I made Barb a Reeses Peanut Butter cake from scratch last year for her birthday. Yes, it was definitely fitting that we made brownies with peanut butter chips in them that day.
While Samantha was in school, I made sure that Sophia did a little "school work" of her own.
I have chosen to take Sam to school myself in the mornings for the time being (instead of having her ride the bus) for a couple of reasons. First of all, I have to take Sophia to school three out of five mornings anyway. Secondly, it is a LONG ride for Samantha in the morning if she rides the bus. The bus would pick her up at 7 am and drop her off at school at 7:45 am. I may choose to have her ride the bus a couple of mornings a week, but for now, she just rides it home in the afternoon for a much shorter ride.
On Sam's first day, Sophia got up from her nap a little early so that she could wait with me in the driveway for the school bus to arrive. And when it finally did ... wow ... Sophia was so happy to see her sister!
Monday, September 1, 2014
Meet the Teachers
As it turned out, both Sophia and Samantha had their "Meet the Teacher(s)" day scheduled on Wednesday this last week. Sophia was dropped off at the Teddy Bear Den, the same preschool that Sam attended two years ago, from 10:00-11:30 am so that she could familiarize herself with the classroom and her new "friends." She was SO excited about this special day -- no nervousness whatsoever. She already knew what to expect because she would go with me every day that I dropped Sam off and picked her up.
At 11:30 am, she was beaming from ear to ear, showing me what she had worked on and her special name tag that she got to wear with her name on it.
Samantha's "Meet the Teacher" event was scheduled from 6:00-7:30 pm. Unfortunately, I was teaching (I just started back to work this last week), so I was not able to attend. Steve worked it out with one of our neighbor girls so that he could just take Sam.
I got to hear all about it when I got home, and Steve was thoughtful enough to take a few pictures for me!
Outside the elementary school:
Standing outside the classroom where she will be hanging her coat and bookbag:
Finding her name on the bulletin board inside the classroom:
Sitting at her desk:
I am excited about all of the learning that both of my girls are going to be doing this year. It's going to be a somewhat hectic schedule for pick-ups and drop-offs, with dance classes thrown in a couple nights a week. But it's going to be fun! I can't wait ...
At 11:30 am, she was beaming from ear to ear, showing me what she had worked on and her special name tag that she got to wear with her name on it.
Samantha's "Meet the Teacher" event was scheduled from 6:00-7:30 pm. Unfortunately, I was teaching (I just started back to work this last week), so I was not able to attend. Steve worked it out with one of our neighbor girls so that he could just take Sam.
I got to hear all about it when I got home, and Steve was thoughtful enough to take a few pictures for me!
Outside the elementary school:
Standing outside the classroom where she will be hanging her coat and bookbag:
Finding her name on the bulletin board inside the classroom:
Sitting at her desk:
I am excited about all of the learning that both of my girls are going to be doing this year. It's going to be a somewhat hectic schedule for pick-ups and drop-offs, with dance classes thrown in a couple nights a week. But it's going to be fun! I can't wait ...
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First Day of School - 2024
The first day of school was on August 22nd and while we hate to see the end of summer come so early, we also know that we will still be able...
To my heart's delight, Samantha has expressed a real interest in dancing. So, earlier this summer, I signed her up for a beginner's...
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