I saw an idea online to make driveway "paint" using just cornstarch, water and food coloring. We had all of those ingredients on hand and LOTS of paintbrushes (I mean, lots of them -- newly discovered after I had just organized my craft closet). There was no specific recipe, you just mix the items together and ... paint. Anything you want, however you want.
This was a perfect activity for the both Jack and the girls (and the neighbor girl next door). I mixed everything together and then joined them in the driveway for some creativity.
For the sake of easiness, I mixed the colors in cupcake tins. It kept the colors separated and was so simple to rinse out afterwards. I used gel colors (that I keep in the pantry for coloring frosting) and they worked very well.
The kids quickly discovered that some paintbrushes worked better than others for certain pictures and this afforded them the opportunity to put more thought into their designs.
Jack loves to paint.
Samantha took the time to create mini (detailed) drawings.
Working in their own space and still sharing the two cupcake pans between them -- a real win for me!
Sophia's expression pretty much sums up everyone's feelings on this project.
As the "paint" dried, it had a chalky appearance, but it stayed longer than a chalk drawing would. The first rainstorm that moved in washed it all away, leaving a blank canvas for us to start all over again.
Some notes to myself for next time:
1. The less cornstarch used, the better. I was trying to achieve the consistency of real paint, but learned partway through that the runnier it is, the easier it is to paint with.
2. I don't need to make that much paint in each cup; we had lots leftover that just went to waste.
3. Pink doesn't dry pink. It dries almost a brown color.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Father's Day 2017
We celebrated Father's Day with Steve beginning in the morning with pancakes, followed by the opening of gifts (the kids get SO excited about this, fighting over who gets to give him their gift first, etc) and then spent the rest of the day outside and at the lake. I had prepped dinner in advance so that all I needed to do was throw it in the oven for a bit before we all dove in with hungry appetites.
And this is exactly how Steve prefers to spend his holiday -- with thoughtful gifts and no plans on the agenda. Limited pictures, some fun in the sun and a good home-cooked meal. We covered all of those things this year.
These girls are pretty smitten with their dad and jumped in right away for their photo.
The boys (as usual) were not too excited about a picture, but they compromised ...
After that, I put down my camera and just enjoyed seeing where the day took us!
And this is exactly how Steve prefers to spend his holiday -- with thoughtful gifts and no plans on the agenda. Limited pictures, some fun in the sun and a good home-cooked meal. We covered all of those things this year.
These girls are pretty smitten with their dad and jumped in right away for their photo.
The boys (as usual) were not too excited about a picture, but they compromised ...
After that, I put down my camera and just enjoyed seeing where the day took us!
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Sophia's Kindergarten Graduation
Sophia graduated from kindergarten this week and it was a bittersweet moment for me. I am so proud of her -- how much she has grown physically, socially and emotionally this year, but I know that this means that she is moving up to the elementary school. The years will fly by now and there's no stopping it.
She had the most wonderful teacher this year; I enjoyed talking to Mrs. McLellan both before school and outside of the building on several occasions. She was perfect for Sophia and really brought out the best in her this year. (I'm holding out hope that Jack and Jimmy are lucky enough to have her as their teacher again in a few years).
Sitting with her graduating class in the gym during the ceremony:
Afterwards, we were able to take a few pictures. I am still letting it sink in ... she will be the Class of 2029. Wow.
Holding her kindergarten diploma; this is the first diploma of many for her. I just know that she is going to be successful in whatever path she chooses to travel in life.
We are so happy for her and the dedicated time that we were able to have celebrating just her that special afternoon.
Afterwards, on our way back to her classroom to gather her book bag and other various items, she wanted to stop at her locker for one last picture. This is where it all started back in August, unpacking her book bag for the first time, ready to start an adventure in learning and reading ...
... and so we turn another page and look forward to the summer and the new school year ahead -- as a first grader!
She had the most wonderful teacher this year; I enjoyed talking to Mrs. McLellan both before school and outside of the building on several occasions. She was perfect for Sophia and really brought out the best in her this year. (I'm holding out hope that Jack and Jimmy are lucky enough to have her as their teacher again in a few years).
Sitting with her graduating class in the gym during the ceremony:
Afterwards, we were able to take a few pictures. I am still letting it sink in ... she will be the Class of 2029. Wow.
Holding her kindergarten diploma; this is the first diploma of many for her. I just know that she is going to be successful in whatever path she chooses to travel in life.
We are so happy for her and the dedicated time that we were able to have celebrating just her that special afternoon.
Afterwards, on our way back to her classroom to gather her book bag and other various items, she wanted to stop at her locker for one last picture. This is where it all started back in August, unpacking her book bag for the first time, ready to start an adventure in learning and reading ...
... and so we turn another page and look forward to the summer and the new school year ahead -- as a first grader!
Sunday, June 4, 2017
James is Sixteen Months Old
James is sixteen months old today and a complete WALKING MACHINE. He doesn't crawl anymore; he may sit down for a little breather, but then he will stand back up before moving. He is constantly in tennis shoes, but he is just as skilled at walking with his bare feet.
This month, we have been battling a rash around his mouth and are unsure exactly what is causing it.
James climbs up on everything now and if he can't reach it, well, he just grabs the stool from the bathroom and brings it over to aid in his task. I have to be careful not to leave a single item near the edge of the counters now ...
This boy loves the water. Really, all of the kids do! He doesn't go too far into the water, but dips his toes in the edge.
And then when coaxed, he can go deeper in.
One of my favorite views ever. Watching all of the kids walking back home, pulling Jimmy in the wagon. This wagon was a purchase that I made last summer and we have gotten SO MUCH USE out of it. Money well-spent.
These two boys love each other. I know that I have said it before (a few hundred times). but their relationship is just now starting to take on a new dimension. James wants to be wherever Jack is ... like sitting next to him on the couch, sharing a snack.
And when Jack is not around, he is the first in line to try and use his toys, both big and small.
The boys take a bath together every night and they love splashing each other and playing with their bath toys. Jack is kind enough to indulge him and gentle enough never to hurt him. If Jimmy cries when Jack is around, it is simply to seek attention.
And what is better than a bath? A rinse in the newly-relocated laundry tub in the garage!
James is still sleeping a strong 12 hours at night (a pm to 8 am) and continues to take a morning nap and an afternoon nap. He rarely wakes up crying from his naps/bedtime; rather, I find myself going up to get him after a sufficient amount of time.
His vocabulary is still limited, but he takes directives very well. Dare I say, he might take directives better than Jack does now. At least he isn't talking back to me!
We go for a check-up next month, so I will be able to report on his weight and height then. We have been speculating where he matches up to Jack and I think that Jack had him beat in weight, but I am not sure about height ...
Friday, June 2, 2017
Weekend Randoms
A boy and his vehicles ... Honestly these days, Jack is constantly 'on the go.' He can be found riding in his jeep, roaming the yard on his four-wheeler or zipping down the driveway on his bike. Popsicles are optional, but are definitely a plus.
And when the four-wheeler gets covered in mud, he is the more than a little eager to get out the hose and wash it. Just like his dad.
Early morning pictures taken before school. It was Picture Day for Samantha and Sophia insisted on wearing a dress too.
Samantha's Spring picture. (A picture of a picture, so not the best quality ... but probably one of my most favorite pictures of her to date. Why does she look so grown-up all of a sudden???).
Don't let his cute, little grin fool you. He got that stool out on his own and climbed up to see what he was missing up there on the counter. Just like Jack, he loves to climb.
We decided to put a garden in on the side of our garage this year. Lots of tomato plants, some peppers and some cucumbers, and a watermelon plant. It's my personal job to make sure that it stays watered and weeded and I am kind of loving it. In a few weeks, I might tire of it -- when it gets so hot out -- but for now, it's pleasing to watch the progress. Jack likes to help me in there too.
The foliage around the house has also really taken off lately. The hosta plants are incredible in size and the rose bush is now in full-bloom. I couldn't resist a couple of pictures of the girls in front of the greenery before Samantha's Spring Music concert a few weeks ago.
Jimmy got a little bit bored at the music concert (and it was SO HOT in the gym), so Steve spent every moment bouncing him and keeping him entertained.
I bought a new pair of sunglasses for the girls last week (after Jack dropped Sophia's glasses in the frog pond at the local greenhouse, igniting a few tears and a lot of hurt feelings). I opted to get Sam some aviators and then nearly choked up when I saw how grown-up she looked with them on. My little girl is growing up TOO fast these days.
Jack, sitting in front of the aforementioned frog pond:
A close-up picture of the frogs!
Every year, the Laingsburg Lions host a Springtime Festival downtown, complete with a carnival and rides. The weather was not great (cold and rainy), but we made the best of it after the girls performed three dances from their recital.
Jack was too short yet for a lot of the bigger rides, but he enjoyed every one of the others that he was able to go on.
One of Samantha's most favorite projects this year was her report and poster on the country of her choice. We chose Hungary (that is where my great-great-grandparents are from) and then designed the poster around details from her research paper. I drew a lot of the items for her and then she colored them and placed them around poster. The background is the flag of Hungary.
Jack finished up his first year of preschool and loved every minute of it! He will be attending the same school again next year in the 4-5 year olds' class. He will go three mornings a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) from 8-noon and is already talking about it!
Driving the neighbor's boat on the lake for his maiden voyage this season. I think that it is safe to say that Jack is really in his element behind the wheel.
Jack's end of the school-year celebration was a bounce house and I spent most of my time chasing these two cuties around. Jack was fairly independent, but James required some extra care (to make sure that he didn't get stuck in any of the inflatables!
He loved every minute of it and then fell fast asleep that afternoon for a longer than usual nap.
Sophia asked me to straighten her hair. We have never done that before and I wasn't sure what to expect. She has such curly hair with layers in it ...
These boys and I had a quick lunch at the local bakery downtown and then walked over to the library. I love how Jack is holding Jimmy's hand here.
Sophia and I spent an afternoon together, just the two of us. We got a (much-needed) pedicure and she didn't stop smiling for hours afterwards.
One of Jack's favorite pastimes is cutting/splitting/stacking wood. He is the hardest worker of anyone that I know.
I hope that he always has this strong work ethic; it will certainly take him far in life.
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