This is a school year of big changes for us.
Samantha entered into the Middle School (6th grade), Sophia is now the eldest Lapinski in the Elementary School (3rd grade), Jack moved out of the Early Child Education Center and into the Elemenatary School (1st grade) and James started his first year of preschool.
The oldest three siblings began school on August 22nd and we started the day with our infamous cinnamon rolls, lunches packed, water bottles filled, bookbags zipped and ready to go ... with just enough time to take a few traditional pictures outside.
This girl wore a smile on her face, ready to venture into an environment that now meant multiple floors, lockers, a school schedule, an a la carte lunch program, band and many other changes. And she absolutely rocked her first day!
Sophia will forever be my diva and the queen of fashion and accessories. After much debate, she picked out the "perfect" romper, jeweled sandals, a necklace, earrings and no-less-than about 12 puffball key chains on her bookbag. She loves her teacher and her classroom dearly and came home upset the first weekend because she would be out of school for two days. Yes, this is going to be a great year for her too.
Jack seemed to grow up so much this summer. He is missing a few teeth, has grown at least a couple of inches this year, and has become both leaner and stronger. His teacher is the mother of one of his good friends (and was also Sophia's 1st grade teacher) so he is comforatable with the transition. He continues to work hard on his writing and numbers (he has such great penmanship for a boy!) and gushes with enthusiam when he gets off the bus, excited to tell me all about his day.
About six years ago, we had a professional tree cutting service come out and cut down the walnut tree that had become too large, was too close to the house and messy with all of the fallen walnuts. There was one little sprig that remained and Steve faithfully mowed around it that first summer. It has now morphed into a new tree and made a nice backdrop for a 1st Day of School picture.
This was our only sunflower plant this year and the head of it was just starting to open up. In a few more days, it would have been gorgeous. Unfortunately, the night after this pciture was taken, the wind snapped the plant in half. Jack was so devastated.
Waiting for the bus to arrive.
This little man waited for what seemed like forever to start school. He painstakingly watched the older kids get ready every morning and begged me to take him too. Finally, on September 10th, his turn finally came.
The bus had already picked up the three older kids, so we had the driveway to ourselves to take pictures. He is so happy to have his own bookbag and he loves putting it on and taking it off all by himself. I must hear the words, "No. I do it," at least 25 times a day.
Posing outside of his school with a picture that his teacher had ready for the kids to use.
Surprisingly, there were some tears. He really didn't want me to leave, but we worked through it and I know that once he becomes better friends with the kids there, that it will get easier. He is more than ready for the learning and for the socialization and I am excited to see what this year brings for him.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
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