Friday, February 16, 2024
Valentine's Day 2024
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Jimmy's 8th Birthday
On Jimmy's "real" birthday, he woke up to bunch of gifts all wrapped with dinosaur wrapping to complement his chosen birthday theme. We had a basketball game to attend for Jack later in the morning so we made sure to start the day off early celebrating this 8-year-old.
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Winter Dances
The girls each went to their respective Winter Dances this year with friends.
Sophia's dance was at the Middle School and as a 7th grader, this was her first dance to be able to attend. She chose her dress online and then I made a few modifications to it to make sure that it met her expectations. Of course, it is the trend to wear comfortable shoes -- especially Converse -- with your fancy dress now.
Samantha also chose her dress online and then asked me to make a few modifications, as well. I'm glad that she chose to go with a long-sleeve for the winter season and I think that the navy color was so stunning on her.
Sam loves our cat so much and wanted to be sure that I captured a picture of them together. I don't think that Mia was quite as thrilled for the photo shoot.
First Day of School - 2024
The first day of school was on August 22nd and while we hate to see the end of summer come so early, we also know that we will still be able...
To my heart's delight, Samantha has expressed a real interest in dancing. So, earlier this summer, I signed her up for a beginner's...
For Mother's Day, Deb (my sister-in-law) and myself took the kids to Grand Rapids on Saturday afternoon. We stayed overnight in a hotel...
Sophia decided a long time ago that she would like to celebrate her 12th birthday with a Mardi Gras theme. I thought that it was a fabulous...