Wednesday, May 19, 2010

18 Months

Samantha is 18 months old today and it makes me smile to think back to the day that she was born. It was the most joyous day of my life; every moment is completely engraved in my memory and I will forever hold those memories close to my heart. The first time that I heard her cry; the first time that I felt her warm skin against mine; and the first time that she looked at me with her bright, inquisitive eyes ... I fell in love immediately.

Watching Sesame Street with her "kitties"

Steve and I both commented yesterday about how tall she seems to be lately. (We go to the doctor for a check-up in a couple of weeks and we will know then exactly how much she has grown). She is doing much better with eating more table foods now. She loves to feed herself using her own fork as much as possible these days and her sense of independence grows stronger by the minute. Her personality seems to be more like mine (stubborn and determined) in comparison to Steve's personality which is more easy-going and laid-back.

She has enjoyed all of the boxes that are stacked in various corners of our house and I am including several pictures of her enjoying the clutter that exists:

She loves climbing on boxes (no matter how tall they are)

We emptied a laundry basket to fill with clothes for the move and Sam got to it before we did -- apparently it makes a nice spot to sit and read a book in it

My internet will be disconnected most likely tomorrow so it will be a little while before I am able to post again. But, I will be sure to put some pictures up of our new home once we are settled and I have internet access again. We are doing our BIG move tomorrow (Thursday), so things are going to be hectic for a few days ...

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