Monday, July 19, 2010

The Highlight of My Morning ...

I won't lie ... mornings are hectic around here; especially on the weekdays when I teach. I used to be able to get up before Sam and be all ready for work. Then, by the time that she got up ... well, things were under control and went relatively smoothly on most days. Now that Samantha can get up by herself from her "big girl bed," she typically wakes up between 6-6:30 am and comes downstairs. I try to at least be showered by then; from there, we can work together to get everything accomplished before my mom or sister gets here to watch Sam and I leave to go teach for a few hours.

Here is an example of my morning not going so smoothly today:

Dumping oatmeal and granola bar pieces on the floor

Then eating the granola bar pieces before I can get to them:

In the big scheme of things, this clean-up wasn't as bad as it could have been. At least it was dry oatmeal. And, I have to blame myself more than her because I must have left the plate too close to the edge of the counter. She is a little monkey and thrives on reaching any items that I consider to be out of her reach. Maybe tomorrow morning will go a little smoother ...

1 comment:

  1. Bless her heart trying to be a helper...and bless you for letting her help! ha.


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