Monday, October 4, 2010

Play Day!

Friday was a big "play day" for us. In the morning, we attended a PlayGroup in Laingsburg for the first time. It is designed for toddlers and is held in the preschool room in the local school. For the first 40 minutes, the kids have "unorganized play," where they go around the room and play with anything or anyone that they want. There are tables set-up with different activities if the children want to partake. One of those activities was finger-painting, something that we have never done before and decided to give it a try.

After unorganized play, the children then must clean-up the room together before we sit down in a circle and sing songs. The hour concludes with a snack. Of course, my daughter was the one that ate ALL of her snack and then helped herself to the other plates ...
After lunch and a quick nap, we headed to my friend's house for a playdate with her two girls. Sydney is 4 years old and Keira is only a month older than Sam. The girls had a great time together and it made for a very fun and exciting day for Samantha.

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