Friday, October 8, 2010


Yesterday was the day of my ultrasound, and it was such an exciting day for me. While I was sad that Steve couldn't be there (he is still in China), I was anxious to see our little one on the screen and know that he/she is healthy. We have chosen to be surprised about the gender of the baby (just as we were surprised about Samantha), but the chance to see the little one's profile and movement was just as thrilling for me. The baby was incredibly active (probably because I had just eaten lunch) and I got to watch as he/she was practicing breathing -- it looks like hiccups.

The baby is very healthy and measuring in the 57% percentile for being 19 weeks along. The doctor would like to see the baby stay right around this percentile for size in order to make the delivery a little easier for both me and the doctor. Samantha's delivery was a struggle, not because of her size, but because of my bone structure.

The other interesting thing is that because this baby is sitting very high, my belly is measuring closer to 23 weeks along (4 weeks ahead of schedule). This doesn't concern the doctor because he knows from the ultrasound that the baby is right on track with its size.

I am so thankful and relieved to know that everything is progressing nicely with this pregnancy and the development of our little one. I fell more in love with this baby (if that is possible) after I saw it moving around on the screen. I can't wait to meet him or her in a few more months!

The profile (looking up)

Look at those feet!

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