Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby Update

I went last week for my 32 week doctor's appointment (less than 8 weeks to go before we will meet our new little one ...). Everything is progressing nicely -- my blood pressure is perfect, my weight gain in on-track and the baby's heart rate is consistent. My belly is measuring a few weeks ahead of schedule, but this has been the case for the entire pregnancy simply because of the position that the baby prefers to be in.

The baby is currently residing in the breech position. Both the doctor and I are hoping that he/she will decide to flip to the head-down position by 34 weeks (which is my next doctor's appointment). If the baby continues to stay in the breech position, then we will definitely be scheduling a c-section. Otherwise, we will monitor the baby via ultrasound in another month or so, and depending on the baby's size, we will determine whether it will be possible to have a normal delivery or if I will need to have a c-section. (Samantha was only 6 lbs. 11 oz. at birth, but she was a struggle to deliver simply because of my bone structure. If the baby is much bigger than that, it will just be better to have a c-section and avoid the same difficulties as before). Only time will tell ...

In the meantime, we continue to take "belly pictures" every week so that we can watch as my belly continues to expand. Samantha knows that this is a weekly occurrence at our house and last week, she decided that she wanted to have her OWN belly picture taken. Here she is, posing with her shirt up in the same spot that I always have my picture taken:

"Is my belly getting bigger too, Mommy?"

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