Saturday, May 14, 2011

Keeping It Real

I love to blog. Sometimes I do it because I want to be sure to save all of these precious memories, and sometimes I do it because it serves as a means of keeping all of our family and friends updated with pictures of our girls (who seem to be growing up way too fast for me).

Regardless, I realize that through the blog, it may seem as though our lives are just filled with happy moments and lots of activities at all times. It may seem as though it is just a lot of picnics:

followed by creative days using sidewalk chalk to design masterpieces:

interspersed with days that are so sunny that we need an umbrella to block out some bright rays of sunshine:

But, the truth is that there are definitely days when I wonder if one more thing can possibly go wrong; if there is one more mess that I can possibly clean up; if there is one more diaper that I can possibly change. And on those days, I take a deep breath and try to smell the flowers:

On those days, I take a second look at my two girls sitting together:

It's then that I realize that while some days don't seem as rewarding as others, the number of good days far outweigh the not-so-good days here. We can always find something fun to do (while the messes pile up) and this mama always manages to take a picture to remember it by ... After all, that's why I blog.

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