Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Weekend

We had a pretty relaxing weekend around here. It was nice to just "go with the flow" this weekend -- no major plans, just spending time together as a family.

We did head to dinner on Saturday night with some friends of ours. Sophia was a little fussy on the way there (which we were hoping was not an omen for how dinner was going to go), but it turns out that she did great.

Before we went, I took a quick picture of her in her "skinny jeans" and tennis shoes (I'm not sure what kind of pose she was doing!):

Steve blew up some balloons this weekend for Sam, but it turns out that Sophia loved them EVEN more! They kept her entertained for quite a while ...

After Sam's nap yesterday afternoon, I promised her that we could make some Valentine's Day cookies. She is really excited about Valentine's Day this year, as we spent some time the day before making a few projects together to decorate the house. What can I say, my girl loves a good project!

Daddy jumped in for a quick photo:

And to help her sample the frosting:

Hard at work:

In Sam's opinion, no cookie is ever complete without sprinkles:

(And, yes, that cookie above is not actually a Valentine's Day cookie -- that is the United States! Aunt Deb got Sam a cookie cutter of the United States for Christmas because Sam knows all 50 states!)

The next month is going to be pretty busy around here because of birthday planning and celebrating, so I was grateful for a chance to get a few things accomplished around the house, including some laundry. I also got a lot of my schoolwork done (grading, printing, etc.) in preparation for this week. It feels good to be on top of things for once on a Monday!!!

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