Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sophia is 15 Months Old

Sophia is 15 months old today.  And, I am happy to report that she is (pretty much) back to her old self after her little bout with roseola.  The rash subsided within about three days and her normal appetite came back after that.  There is some crying here and there, but she seems much more happy.

She now weighs 19 lbs. 5 oz. (putting her in the 5th percentile).  Once she hits the 20-lb. mark, we will be moving her to her "big girl" carseat.  She is 31 inches long!  That means that she grew almost 3 inches in the last three months -- how is that even possible?  That puts her in the 75th percentitle for length.

Sophia is still a great sleeper.  She sleeps from about 7:15 pm to 8 am every day.  She rarely cries for me in the morning; rather, I usually go in her room and get her long before that so that Sam, Sophia and I can all eat breakfast together before 8:30 am.  If she does wake up before I go in her room, she just lays there or will occasionally yell out, "Ma!!"

She gets so excited to see her daddy when he comes home.  She merely has to hear the back door open and she squeals, "Da-Da!"  It's cute, but I fear that we might have another Daddy's Girl in the making.  (The other day, I gave Sam a big hug and said, "You know that you're momma's little girl, don't you?"  She pulled away and said, "No, I'm not.  I'm Daddy's girl!"  Great ...)

We still give Sophia a bath every night.  Because she is so small, we continue to give her one in the kitchen sink (plus, it's more convenient for us).  It won't be long before we move her to the tub on a more permanent basis.

There is no walking yet, but Sophia has been pulling up on EVERYTHING in the last couple of weeks.  I'll turn around and she'll be standing.  Occcasionally, she might take a couple of steps to the side, while holding onto something, but she still lacks the confidence to move without any support. 

Regardless of the limited walking, she is a fast crawler, and there is not a single place that she won't crawl to/through/over, etc.  Often, she'll crawl down the driveway or through my flower beds without a single thought.

Sophia has been holding her own fork now for a while.  If we put the food on it, she'll take the fork from us and put it in her own mouth in a single swipe.

She has also perfected the use of her sippee cup all by herself.  (This picture was taken when she was still a little sick this week).

She loves her books.  I often chuckle to myself when I see her "reading" one of her books so intently.

We try to make a real point to do things with each of the girls on an individual basis every once in a while.  It makes them feel special, and that's important to us.

Hanging out with Daddy in the back yard:

Momma and her girl:

Overall, this month has been a fun month for us.  Even though Sophia was sick for one week of it, we were still able to enjoy the Spring weather and do lots of activities.  I love watching her personality continue to grow and her understanding of words is becoming more and more apparent these days.  She even says a few words of her own (momma, da-da, ball, bubble, book, up). 

Onto another month of learning and milestones ...

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