Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sophia is 16 months old

Sophia is 16 months old today -- 16 months!  In two short months, she will be a year and a half old ... and before long, I will be planning a second birthday party.  This month has brought with it so many changes and so many new developments.  Sometimes, the changes seem to happen just overnight.

One of the biggest obstacles developments is that she cut several teeth this month.  Four molars and two cuspids -- wow.  And, I am pretty sure that the other two cuspids will be breaking the surface very soon (the gums are swollen there and she is constantly jamming things into her mouth).  After that, there will only be four remaining molars to cut and then she will officially have a full mouth of teeth. 

With all of these new teeth, we decided that it was time to start helping her brush them.  It's a nice routine to get into with her, and I suspect that it probably feels pretty good on her gums.

Sophia has been mobile for a while now, but her crawling has increased dramatically in speed just in the last couple of weeks.  She can climb now, and with that new-found ability, she demonstrates absolutely no fear.  She will throw her leg up onto the couch or our bench in the blink of an eye, and I have witnessed her sitting in the middle of the coffee table or in the middle of our dining room table (yeah, that was because she climbed out of her high chair and straight onto the table).  A lot of our pictures look like this:

I have a feeling that she will try taking some steps in the next couple of weeks.  She is finally gaining some confidence and will stand up on command, though it is only for a couple of seconds.  And she has learned to walk on all fours (instead of crawling on her knees) if she doesn't like the texture of what she is crawling through (sand, cement, etc).

She will also stand next to anything for balance.

Sophia loves baby dolls.  Her favorite thing is to feed them a bottle, and I often catch her doing that at random times of the day.

She loves to do anything that Sam does.  And she really loves Sam's tutu!

She also loves her books.  Sometimes she will bring us a specific book to read, and other times, she'll sit in her chair and "read" them out loud to herself.  She is so expressive when she is doing that.

There is no word that she won't try to say.  This is so different for me because Sam's expressive language did not start until right after she turned two years old.  Sure, Sam understood everything we were saying to her and took directives very easily, but she didn't use very many words, herself.  Sophia is already imitating our words!  This week she started using the word, "good."  When I ask her how she is doing, she always replies, "Good!"

Sophia has never cared for television.  Sam loved Sesame Street right from the start, but Sophia is not content with simply sitting in one place for more than one minute.  She just doesn't have the patience for it.  So last week, I couldn't resist snapping a quick picture of the girls watching a movie together.  Sophia's attention span only lasted about 10 minutes, but I was excited about that.

And then Sam couldn't resist cuddling with her sister.  I love these girls to pieces!

Little Miss Independent loves to be in charge of her own snacks these days.  She isn't pleased with my usual "portion control" ...  This miniature box of Cheerios entertained her for a short period of time.

Then she exhibited a little bit of frustration when she couldn't get all of the Cheerios out of the box.  That girl can go from happy and content to angry and frustrated in mere seconds.  Any emotion, well, she knows them all!

Sophia still continues to sleep from about 7:30 pm to between 7:30 am - 8 am the next morning.  We give her a bath every single night as part of her nighttime routine, and we finally made the transition to the big girl bathtub this month.  No more sink baths!  She seems to do just fine in the tub upstairs and the girls often take their baths together.

It has been a busy month in terms of her growth and development, and to be honest, it has been a very trying month for me.  I blame her fussiness on her teeth and am hoping that this next month will be a little more easy on her (and me).  I can't wait to witness more words and more communication from her, as well as the joy that will come with her finally being able to walk.  She's close to doing it, but I suspect that she feels some frustration because she can't quite keep up with Sam.  That will all change soon ...

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