Sunday, July 22, 2012

To Be Outside Again

This last week brought with it a couple of rainy days in a row.  While it was definitely a welcomed change for most (the grass and fields needed it after such a long dryspell in our area), the reality of it for the girls was that we had to spend those days inside.  It has been a long time since we have been cooped up and not able to go for just a simple walk down our street.

While Sam learned to fill her days with "inside activities," such as painting watercolor masterpieces ...

And Sophia opted to move onto more advanced puzzles ...

What we really yearned for was a chance to simply soak up some warm sunshine.  It didn't matter what we did; it could be as simple as just taking "snack time" outside.

Or taking time to smell the flowers, which were certainly appreciating the long rains that had moved through.

While the cement was undoubtedly hot to the touch, Sophia didn't seem to mind one bit. 

In fact, she has been spending about 50% of her time this week walking.  This is amazing to me because she only took her first steps one week ago.  She is gaining confidence by the minute ... so much so, that she tried to run away from me yesterday -- on two feet!  It was hilarious.

And finally, the girls settled down in the grass to blow bubbles. 

Sophia gets frustrated easily when she isn't able to fit her bubble-wand into the bubbles just perfectly.  So, after a minute of observing her sister's obvious disgruntlement, Sam came up with a solution all on her own. 

She would dunk the wand herself and hold it so that Sophia could blow.  Yup, it was perfect harmony.

I just can't seem to say enough how lucky I feel to have these two little girls all of my own.  They play so well together, and Samantha seems to understand her sister completely.  The other day, Sam told me that she is "Sophia's best friend."  Awwww ....

Sam watches Sophia like a hawk, warning her to "stay on her bottom," and if she senses any danger, Sam notifies me immediately.  She encourages Sophia on a regular basis and praises her for even the most simple thing.  I'm just in awe of the relationship that they have ...

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