Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sophia is 19 Months Old

Sophia seems to be adjusting now to the fact that Sam is in school three mornings a week.  At first, Sophia would fuss so much when we would leave her sister behind, but I think that she does like a little one-on-one time with me now.  We try to do puzzles and read books ... and she gets so excited when I tell her that it is time to go "pick Sam up from school."

She continues to want to do everything that Samantha is doing.  She doesn't really like sitting in her high chair too much anymore.  She makes it perfectly clear that she would rather sit in the booster seat (that used to be Sam's).

She also self-feeds as much as possible.  Of course, using a spoon is still a little tricky, but she seems to be mastering it a little better these days.  She has been using a fork by herself for quite some time now.

We brought Sam's old tricycle out of the basement a few weeks ago so that Sophia could use it in the driveway.  She's still a little bit small for it, but that doesn't seem to stop her!  She completely understands how to use it ... and definitely tries pretty hard.

Sometimes, she will just sit on the little ledge in the back:

Or, other times, we see this:

Sophia loves shoes!  She is constantly putting them and taking them off -- a million times a day.  I wonder if this is a little phase she is going through, or is this a sign that I have a little fashionista on my hands?  Either way, I encourage it now because I want her to wear shoes more now that the cooler days are coming.

Steve is training her early to like football.  Even though that ball is way to big for her now, she already has a couple of others that are just her size.

Sophia is becoming more and more vocal these days and she does a wonderful job of letting us know exactly what she wants.  Her fussiness is getting better now that she can communicate a little better (and since I have reverted back to letting her take a small snooze in the mornings, if she seems to be needing one).

Before I know it, her birthday will be here!

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