Friday, November 30, 2012

Samantha's 4-Year Old Check-Up

Yesterday, was Samantha's 4-Year Old Check-up.  We have been preparing for this for a couple of weeks because I knew (and wanted her to be aware of the fact) that she would be getting some shots.  These are booster shots that she needs in order to start kindergarten. 

We talked all about how it was just going to be a little "pick" in her leg, and that she wouldn't feel a thing afterwards.  And I promised that we could go to lunch following the appointment to celebrate the big girl that she is.  She asked if Grammy could come too and hold her hand, and actually ... it worked out perfectly because Grammy was already at my house this week as Steve is back in Mississippi.

When it was time for the shots, I went and got Grammy from the waiting room and, as promised, she held Samantha's hands (in addition to more-or-less holding her down on the table).  It turns out that Sam needed SIX shots -- yes, six!  The nurse asked if I would like to only give her two that day, but it would mean that we would have to come back for the others.  Um ... I explained that there was no way that Sam would want to come back anytime soon, so we would just do all six right then and there.

My little girl was such a trooper!  With two nurses doing each leg (three shots apiece), Sam teared up and whimpered a little and that was it.  I was SO proud of her!  She then received some sparkly band-aids (six of them) and was able to pick out all of the stickers that she wanted -- with no limit!

The good news is that Sam will not need any more shots until she is eleven (unless some new booster shot comes into existence before then).  From now on, it will just be regular developmental check-ups. 

Speaking of which: She is in the 90th percentile for height; it amazes me every time we get a height-check on her.  Where does her height come from?  She is in the 75th percentile for weight.

Samantha is growing up into such a polite little girl.  Her vocabulary is increasing on a daily basis and I am amazed at everything that she is sucking up like a sponge learning at school.  She is an incredible big sister -- so thoughtful and so protective of Sophia.  I can't wait to see what then next year brings ...

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