Saturday, March 16, 2013

Splashing in the Puddles

It rained quite a bit on Monday, making for a pretty dull and dreary day around here.  So, as soon as we ate dinner and the rain had subsided, we put the girls in their rain gear (boots, coats and umbrellas) and let them splash around in the puddles outside.  We assured them that they could get wet and that afterwards, we would come inside and take warm baths.

Samantha was a natural -- after all, she had quite a bit of practice last year.

Even Sophia needed very little encouragement ...

My little puddle splashers:

After the girls tired from jumping in the puddles, Steve took them, hand-in-hand, for a walk back into the woods.  This is one of their favorite things to do ...

As a side story:  I had gone back into the house to clean up the dinner dishes and I was able to watch my little family out the back window as I stood at the kitchen sink.  They had made it all of about 10 yards into the woods, when all of a sudden, I saw Steve scoop up Sophia and come rushing back toward the house.  I smiled to myself, knowing exactly what was going on.  Sophia needed to pee.

Steve ran into the house with her, all the while pleading with her to "hold it in."  She made it safely to the potty and sure enough, she had to go ... a lot.  Steve was surprised because we made sure both girls used the potty before we went outside, but Sophia had had a lot to drink. 

We praised her for telling Daddy that she needed to go and for practicing self-control.  Her potty-training is now about 90% successful.  She rarely, if ever, has any accidents at night or during naps.  In fact, I am considering not doing a diaper at all for those resting periods.  Going #2 on the potty is becoming more and more frequent (and more natural for her).  We have only had a couple of those accidents in the last two weeks.

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