Friday, May 17, 2013

Baby Ducks

One of the highlights for Samantha in her preschool class this month was the hatching of butterflies and baby ducks.  This is something that her teacher does every Spring when teaching the students about new life.  When the ducks (all 15 of them) finally hatched out of their eggs in the incubator, the excitement that all of the kids had was incredible.  And even more thrilling than that was the fact that the ducks were able to go swimming the very next day in the kiddee pool!

had to laugh a little because I went to pick Sam up a little early that day (knowing that they would be outside with the ducks), and Sophia took off running.  She ran right over to the teacher, Mrs. Hicks, backed up and sat right on her lap; just like that was a regular occurance and was her designated place to be.

Sam was totally enthralled:

Sophia enjoyed watching the ducks, but kept a comfortable distance when they started splashing around!

They kept the ducks in the classroom for a week and then one of the families that lives on a farm, decided to adopt them.  It was a great learning experience for all of the kids, and I am so glad that Sam was able to partake in the whole event.

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