Friday, June 7, 2013

Playtime at the Beach

The weather has been unseasonably cool here for the last month or so.  As a result, the lake water is still very chilly and doesn't make for some quality trips down to the beach quite yet.  Regardless, we decided to take the kids down there one night last week and let them play in the sand and on the playground. 

Very serious about lugging the water back to their play area:

 So proud of her strength:

Hard at work:

While Steve and I simply enjoyed just sitting on the bench, we did get up and test the temperature of the water with our feet -- it was COLD!  Somehow though, the girls didn't seem to mind; they went in the water with their clothes on and had an absolute blast!

Samantha is getting so good at splashing around in the water!

Sophia is still getting the hang of it, but she is catching on pretty quickly already.

And this little man?  Well, it was his first official trip to the beach and as you can see, he was thrilled. 

Actually, I'm kind of excited about what this summer holds for us and our regular trips to the beach.  Last summer, Sophia began taking her first steps in July.  Therefore, it made for a very busy time for me down at the beach -- keeping a close eye on her with her unsteady steps and the water's edge.  This summer, she is clearly more independent and the girls can interact better together while Jack and I just sit back and watch.  If I time things correctly, Jack may choose to just nap in the stroller and enjoy the fresh air ...

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