Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

We woke up on Christmas morning at Aunt Deb's house and kept the kids occupied in our room downstairs for almost an hour until the rest of the house was awake.  By then, the girls were very anxious to see what Santa had brought them!

Our little family on in our pajamas on Christmas morning:

Sophia received some chapstick in her stocking and had to test it immediately!

This boy was all smiles and waves for us:

The girls helped Jack open his stocking items:

Jack got a new hat from Santa (thank goodness because Momma lost his Spiderman one in Target the week before Christmas!):

Jack loved his new tool bench and set to work doing a little hammering right away:

Santa's big gift to Sam was a Doc McStuffins check-up center.  Sam squealed!

The sacred treasure chest.  This is all that Samantha talked about prior to Christmas and all that she asked Santa for.  Luckily Santa listened to her request (even though she announced on Christmas morning that she wanted a bigger one.  Since then, she has realized that this one is the perfect size to haul around with her "treasures" in it).

My little man in front of the Christmas tree.  He is on the verge of sitting up on his own, but still topples to the side once in the while.

Jack received a sippy cup in his stocking and attempted to use it for the first time later that day.  He completely understands the concept!

Once we were back at home (albeit with no real power yet), I told Sam that I would help put together her check-up center.  Usually, there is an unspoken rule in our household that the engineer (aka Steve) does these kind of jobs.  But, he had to leave for work that morning, so I kindly obliged.  And I did it successfully!

Overall, while Christmas did not go exactly as I had envisioned it, it was still a nice time with our family and it made for a memorable holiday season!

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