Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Jack is 7 Months Old

Jack is seven months old today ... and what a fun holiday season this is going to be with him as our new family addition this year.

Jack has started to become quite the "wiggle-worm" in the last couple of weeks.  As soon as he is placed on his back, he begins doing "frog push-offs' with his feet, moving himself along on his back.  It's his main method of movement these days.  He will roll to his side in the blink of an eye if there is a toy within his sight and will grunt as he's reaching for it.  Occasionally, he will even roll to his belly (although it really isn't his preferred position).

Even a pair of socks provide entertainment for him.

Almost there ...

Jack is getting stronger and stronger with each passing day, and it is just a matter of time before he can sit completely unassisted.  Right now, he is very skilled at forming a small tripod with his legs and balancing (without falling to either side), but he struggles slightly with keeping his back vertical.  He will reach forward for a toy and then strain to upright himself.  He just needs a little more practice.  He may even have it mastered by Christmas!

Posing for pictures has become a little easier just because he can sit better and I don't need to worry about him falling over as I back away with the camera.  (Thank goodness because this momma certainly takes a lot of pictures!).

Jack loves food.  He knows when we put him in his highchair that he is going to eat soon.  He's only content for a few minutes there before his patience runs out and he screams for food.  Often, I will give him a few "puffs" to play with/stuff in his mouth while I am preparing his food.  This is a win-win for me: he is satisfied for a couple of minutes AND he is practicing his fine motor skills.

The girls have become such good helpers when it comes to feeding Jack (and I am certainly grateful).  If my hands are full preparing food for the girls, Samantha will often help feed Jack for me. 

While Sophia isn't able to feed him with a spoon, she will often help feed him a few of his puffs.  And Jack doesn't mind one bit, of course.

Jack eats three meals a day consisting of oatmeal and various fruits and vegetables.  He continues to nurse 4-5 times a day and we are on a pretty consistent schedule with that.  I plan to continue nursing him until he is a year old and then his system will be ready for cow's milk.

Jack receives a bath every other night before bed.  We used to give him one every night, but we are trying to cut back a little to give his sensitive skin (eczema) a little break.  It seems to certainly be helping, especially with the colder, drier weather these days.  We also moved Jack out of his baby bath (he was just getting too big for it) and he takes a bath in the sink now.  Sometimes, with urging from the girls, Jack takes a bath in his bumbo seat with them in the tub.  They all love it!

After his bath, Jack nurses (or gets a bottle if I am teaching) and then goes to bed around 7:30 pm every night.  He usually sleeps until about 7 am.  I am pleased with that!

We attempted some family pictures at our house last weekend to include in our Christmas cards this year, and I don't think that I could possibly love this little chubby face anymore than I already do!  He's such a happy little man and we are SO excited to celebrate his first Christmas with him!

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