Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July - 2014

Every year, our neighborhood puts on a big 4th of July celebration.  It begins the night before with a boat parade around the lake (we usually skip that) and continues onto the 4th with a parade through the subdivision at 10 in the morning.  The kids are all encouraged to decorate their bikes and ride down to the park while the neighbors wave from their driveways.

This was the first year that we decorated the kids' bikes because they are officially old enough to be able to ride them in the parade (without getting too tired).  We did this the afternoon before using lots of streamers and crepe paper.

Weaving crepe paper through the spokes of the tire:

I helped Sophia with her crepe paper and was also in charge of securing the streamers and decorative holiday flowers:

The crepe paper on Sophia's bike turned out pretty cute:

The next morning, the girls were dressed bright and early in their red/white/blue in support of the big holiday and parade:

Ready and rearing to go in the driveway:

Sam was a bit leery about riding her big bike in the parade, so her smiles seemed to be a little stingy:

Riding her big bike in the parade meant that she would need to travel slowly (so as not to run over anyone) and that is hard to do while balancing -- she is so much better at riding fast.  There were a few minor meltdowns throughout the parade, but she made it!

Jack rode in the wagon for the parade, also sporting his holiday colors:

He was not a fan of his hat, and even though it was secured with the chin-strap, I often found it tossed over the side of the wagon as we moved along:

The reward for such a long travel in the parade?  Donuts and juice at the park.  Yes, please.

The girls each got tattoos at the park.  I love the little smirk on Sophia's face.

Jack preferred to watch from the sidelines, minus his hat.  Eventually, I had to forsake function for lack of frustration (both his and mine!).

Coloring masks; Sam was convinced that her mask was a princess.  It was actually the Statue of Liberty!

Soon, it was time to partake in water games.  The girls were each on separate teams and they had to dip their cups (punctured with holes) into a big bucket of water and run to fill up a smaller bucket.  Whichever team, red or blue, filled their bucket first ... was the winner.  Sophia's team won!

Running with her cup before all of the water ran through the holes!

Playing in the sand:

Making sand castles:

Working together as a team:

Just hanging with Daddy:

Practicing her hula-hooping:

Catching fish from a wading pool:

Sophia worked at this for quite some time:

Playing a game of toss with water balloons:

One can never have enough red/white/blue:

 Adding a little more sparkle into the mix:

Pretty soon, Sophia wanted in on the accessorizing, of course:

Later that day, we headed back down to the park (well-rested from afternoon naps) to partake in the potluck.  The neighborhood association provides brats, hot dogs, buns, condiments and drinks.  We are just asked to bring a passing dish and place settings for our family.  We also brought our own table and chairs (and Jack's high chair).

Anxiously waiting for his food:

After dinner, Jack practiced his standing skills next to the cooler:

"What, Momma?!"

The girls were in heaven because we let them have orange pop for "almost" the first time.  Sam had tasted it once before, but never had a full can all to herself.  Today was their lucky day.

Learning how to drink out of a can:

Sam savored every sip:

Taking a ride on the quad after dinner:

We settled in to watch the Tigers game at home with Steve's dad (who had joined us for the potluck at the park) while we waited for it to get dark.  Jack had his evening bath right on schedule and went to bed around 8 pm.  Meanwhile, the girls took a bath a little bit later and then got into some long-sleeved shirts and pants (to try to thwart the mosquitos).  They wound down with a TV show and then we finally made our way out to the dimming driveway.

Lighting their sparklers in the driveway:

Getting the hang of it:

Yup, she's got it:

Sam knew exactly what she was doing:

Keeping just enough distance between them:

A little blurry, but I love how it shows the girls doing their sparklers in the driveway with the fireworks going off behind them over the lake:

At one point, Sam caught a lightening bug.  She kept it cradled in her hands for the longest time.

Enjoying the show of fireworks over the lake (with tired eyes), while having a little snack:

Sophia was a real trooper.  She was definitely tired, but didn't want to miss anything either.  As soon as the show was over, I took the girls inside and got them into their PJ's and helped them brush their teeth.  They were in bed by 10:45 pm (almost three hours past their bedtime), and they went to sleep immediately.  Jack stayed asleep the entire time -- surprisingly -- considering all of the loud noises that were going on outside for hours!
Finally, a family pic from our holiday:

Happy Birthday, America!


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