Friday, August 22, 2014

Family Car Wash

On the weekend, we promised the kids that they could wash our vehicles after lunch.  I know that one day, we will have to beg them to do this, but for now, they see it as complete fun.  It was perfect plan -- let them get wet and tired out ... right before naps.  If they needed a quick bath to wash off any dirt, it would only relax them and help  them to sleep better.

Never one to miss a single thing, Jack was checking out the soap bucket:

Adding one last drop of soap:

 Jack spied the sponge and managed to get a hold of it so that he could really be a part of the action:

Not sure what kind of pose she was going for here, but Sophia is definitely a cutie:

Hosing off the vehicle:

Sam was a little less interested in the actual washing of the cars and much more excited about getting wet from the hose:

So I obliged and sprayed her:

And then I lined the kids up and let them feel like they were in the middle of a rainstorm.  They loved it!

Splashing in the puddles:

 Later that night, Jack helped his Daddy to wash the truck:


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