Monday, November 3, 2014

Sophia's School Halloween Party

Steve took the day off on Halloween so that we could enjoy as many of the festivities that day as possible (and also to help me out with the childcare!).  After dropping Sophia off at her school at 8 am, we headed back home for a little over an hour before I needed to go back into town to partake in her Halloween party.  I arrived at 9:10 am, ready to get her dressed in her witch costume.
The girls decided early on that they BOTH wanted to be witches this year for Halloween.  Sam made it clear that she was going to be a "bad" witch (said in an evil voice) and Sophia was quick to add that she was going to be a "good" witch -- I think that the idea of being bad/evil was bothersome to her. 
I easily found a "Wicked Witch of the West" costume for Sam and Sophia was excited when I showed her a picture of a potential costume for her.  She LOVED that it had pink on it and thought that the "kitty cat on the apron" made it more friendly.  I bought the girls each a broom for their costumes (go figure, they chose the same one!) and everyone was happy!
Surprisingly, there were four witches in Sophia's preschool classroom ... and one of her friends had the same costume as her -- just a different color scheme.  Naturally, they had to take a picture together ...
Gabriella and Sophia (Gabriella's older sister went to preschool with Sam and is in Sam's 1st grade classroom):


Once a few of the kids saw me snapping pictures, they huddled together and posed:

Sophia and Mrs. Hicks, her teacher:

The kids began by decorating bags with stickers so that they would have something to put their candy from the pinata in.  This activity was made for Sophia.  That girl loves stickers!

One of the mothers read a Halloween story and held the students' attention for a great deal of time.  She was a great storyteller.

Having a Halloween snack:

Playing a game of Halloween Bingo to win a prize:

Scrambling for candy from the pinata:

I had to stand back and laugh at the scene that unfolded with the pinata.  Mrs. Hicks explained to the children that there were 12 strings on the pinata and only one of them would actually open the pinata.  She didn't know which one it was ... it could be the first string pulled or it could be the last string pulled.  It turns out that the very first child pulled the lucky sting!

The kids scrambled for the candy and were scooping it up by the handful.  Not Sophia.  Nope, she was painstakingly picking out her most favorite kind of candy.  It was adorable.

Afterwards, we packed up and headed home to eat lunch before Sam's Halloween festivities began ...

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