Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jack is 19 Months Old

Jack is 19 months old today.  I am smiling as I type that because I remember that this time last year, the little man couldn't even sit up on his own yet.  Now, he's running around, dancing, climbing, jumping ... doing all this things that toddlers do.  And every once in a while, I manage to get him to sit still long enough to smile for a quick picture.

There is no doubt about it that Jack is the happiest when he is outside ... and when he is with his daddy.  He rarely fusses with Steve; and then when I come home, Jack seems so needy and so clingy.  It's almost become an inside joke between Steve and me -- "There is no need to hurry back home, Monique ... Jack is just fine."  (Reading between the lines: "Once you walk into the back door, Monique, Jack will turn into a completely different child!"

My boys were happy this day, as I took the girls to go see a high school play and left them home to do whatever.  Two peas in a pod.

The cold doesn't seem to phase Jack one bit.

Snow-covered with red cheeks, and not even a single whimper because he is with his most favorite person in the whole world, "da-da."

Lately, Jack seems fascinated with anything that moves and/or talks.  He giggles every single time. 

This picture was taken when Steve first brought Elmo down from Jack's room and put batteries in it.  Jack wasn't sure what to think at first, and then he realized that he loves it!  (Sam received this talking Elmo for her 2nd Christmas.  It has been up in Jack's room for a while and Jack always makes a point to 'talk' to Elmo.  He had no idea that Elmo would talk back to him once we put batteries in it!).

Ahhhh, the dancing penguin and snowman!  Jack loves this thing too.  He pushes the button over and over again every day, and I even have a video of him dancing as soon as he turns it on.  It is one of the Christmas decorations that he is 'allowed' to touch!

Jack's attention span when it comes to settling in and watching a show or a movie is still minimal.  He would rather be moving around.  Don't get me wrong, he enjoys having the show on in the background, he just doesn't usually want to sit still to watch it.

This is how he not-so-subtly hints to me that he would like to watch a show ...  He climbs up in his daddy's chair and attempts to use the remote.

Sometimes it helps to have your sister's beanbag chair to get comfortable in if you plan to actually watch the show:

And sometimes it helps to have momma's extra soft, fleecy blanket to relax with:

Jack loves to be doing whatever his sisters are doing.  He's like a little shadow.  And luckily, they don't seem to mind one bit.

"Oh, you want to play cowgirls and horses with us?  You can ride the horse, Jack ..."

"Ok, Jack.  You want to see what it is in the bowl?  Momma and I are making banana bread.  Do you want to smell?"

One of the biggest accomplishments this month is that we moved Jack out of his high chair and into a toddler seat. 

Sitting in his old high chair:

He had been complaining (motioning and grunting) that he was feeling cramped in his old seat.  So, we brought up the toddler seat (a portable high chair that attaches to a chair) out of the basement and set it up for him, declaring that it was his "big boy chair."  He is still getting used to it because we took the belt out of it and it is a little more 'firm' than his old chair, but it is less bulky and certainly easier to get him into and out of. 

{By the way, this little wooden seat was probably one (of many) great garage sale finds during the summer that I was pregnant with Samantha.  We have used it with all three of the kids once they 'graduated' from their baby high chair and it has traveled with us to restaurants and various houses over the years}.

Jack loves bath time.  The more toys, the more bubbles ... well, the more fun it is.  Jack and Sophia usually take a bath together each night and Sam takes a shower.  This cuts down on the time required for baths every night and is an overall smooth task.  I just love it when my babies are fresh out of the tub and in their pajamas!


The climbing.  Yes, the climbing.  Jack knows no fear when it comes to climbing on things.  I remember that Steve's mom told me the exact same thing about Steve when he was little.  This boy just simply scoots a chair/stool/plastic storage case/really just anything over and climbs up if he needs to reach something out of his grasp.

We are currently working on getting Jack his big boy bed.  Sam climbed out of the crib at 19 months and we immediately put her in her big girl bed (we already had the twin bed set up in her room from when we moved).  Jack hasn't attempted to climb out yet (that totally surprises me!), but I want to be ready when he does ...

Just a few short months and my growing little boy with be two years old.  Two!

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