Thursday, March 26, 2015

End of the Week Randoms

Samantha is so excited because she is now able to hold her cousin, Louie, and carry him around for a little while without our immediate fear of her dropping him.  This is done with close supervision, of course, but she is definitely proud of that accomplishment.


It's no secret that Sophia is my go-to, regular kitchen assistant.  In fact, when she is frustrated or upset over something, I can usually just hand her an apron and a few minutes in the kitchen with me seems to erase any irritation that she was experiencing.  It is a calming activity for her.

I am now giving her more freedom in the kitchen -- allowing her to break eggs on her own, measure messy ingredients by herself and I am showing her how to properly (and safely) use a knife.  She is flourishing with those extra added responsibilities.

Starting simple with slicing grape tomatoes:

Basting chicken for dinner:


The kids are all anxious for Spring and Summer to be here so that they can play outside for hours without end.  Sam is especially excited to be able to use the playground swings and slides.  And, there might be a little climbing involved too!

(Those poor snow-pants.  Sam took a major growth spurt in the middle of Winter and I didn't want to purchase new snow-pants with the season half-way over, so we made too with the pants, even if they were a little too short for her!).


I love seeing all of my babies together in one place.  It always seems as though someone is in school or dance,and the moments of having them all doing the same thing at the same time are going to be fewer and farther between.  For now, I am cherishing those times.

Lunch at the little card-table, a rare and special treat:

Movie night, fresh out of their baths and in their pajamas/bathrobes:


Sophia's birthday treat for her friends at school, cupcakes in an ice cream cone:


Samantha had her first Daddy-Daughter Dance this year (on Sophia's birthday).  Steve and Samantha dressed up and went to dinner and then to the dance, while I took Sophia and Jack out to dinner (and ice cream!) for Sophia birthday.

Samantha is looking so grown-up to me these days:


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