Friday, July 10, 2015

End of the Week Randoms

It is a well-known fact that Jack is all boy.  He is the happiest outside, with his dad, being as active as he possibly can.  If he even suspects that Steve is getting ready to leave the house, he is running after him ... saying "Out, me."  It doesn't matter what he is wearing (or not wearing), he is right there with his dad, ready to go.

They spend a lot of time together on the four-wheeler, taking rides through the woods, in the subdivision and down to the lake.

Jack also loves to ride the lawn mower with Steve.  The whole week that Steve was down in Texas working, Jack would go into the garage and climb on the mower, saying "Daddy.  Home.  Now.  Mow."  Needless to say, that night when Steve finally came home, the first thing that they did was mow the lawn.  Jack is so relaxed riding with his daddy on it that he even fell asleep one time while Steve was driving.

Jack loves all of Steve's tools.  We have to be careful to keep all of the dangerous ones out of reach, of course.  One day, Jack found the leaf blower and was so pleased to have it within his grasp.


Samantha was invited to a birthday party for some friends (twins!) of hers, so Sophia was able to have us almost completely to herself.  We asked her what she wanted to do and she said that she wanted to color with dad.  Ok.  Easy!


One of Samantha's favorite things to do at the park is the monkey bars.  She is truly like a little monkey on them!


These two are the best of friends.  And I hope that they stay that way forever.  Every once is a while, they might argue, but within minutes, they are back to playing together.  I just love their imagination these days.

Their friendship means a little teasing ... and a lot of laughs!


Filling up water bottles to play with in the yard:

Or ... you can use them to water the plants. I guess.  Thanks, Jack!

This is the look that I get when he feels that I have taken too many photos of him.  "C'mon, Mom."


He had three trees taken down in our yard last week -- two walnuts and a pine tree.  The pine tree was half-dead and the walnut trees were getting quite large and walnuts are so messy. 

It was pure entertainment for the kids to watch out the window as the men cut the trees down.  In fact, they had such a great time watching that I popped some popcorn and they continued to eat it while observing all of the action.


Summertime means lots of impromptu trips down to the beach.  And what is better than that?  When Aunt Minnie and Louie (and sometimes Grammy!) can join us.

These two little boys are going to be best friends for sure.


About a month ago, we bought a hot tub.  This is something that we have been saving for and researching for a while now and we came across a great deal that we couldn't pass up.  Since then, we have been using it as much as possible ...

Jack doesn't look too enthused, but the sun was in his eyes and I couldn't seem to find his sunglasses!  Ha!


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