Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Color Cards

When Samantha was younger, we made flashcards together to help her practice her color words -- red, orange, yellow, etc.  She colored on the front of a card using a crayon and then I put the name of the color on the back. 

We used them over and over again.  And then some.

This week, I decided to do something similar with Jack.  But, I wanted to include Sophia, as well, because she was home from school that day (she only attends preschool four mornings a week).  So, I got out some flashcards and random items that we could glue/stick on the front of the card -- that was Jack's job. 


Making sure that the colors adhered firmly to the flashcards:

Then, Sophia's job was to write the name of the color on the back -- with me spelling the words, of course.

Holding up one of her favorite colors:

And then, if we're keeping it real here ... there was a toddler meltdown.  I'm sure that it was over something insignificant; like, he wanted to be the one to set out all of the cards and Sophia beat him to it.

Jack's role in the game is to have me ask him for a particular color and for him to find it and pass it along to me.  I have to admit that I am pretty impressed with his skills already ... just one day later.

Sophia, on the other hand, has it a little tougher.  She has to turn all of the cards over and recognize the names of color words by sight.  She does pretty well with most of the words ... a couple confuse her ... but it is a wonderful opportunity to work on sounding out words and recognizing blends of letters together.

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