Thursday, May 26, 2016

End of the School Year Field Trip - Potter Park Zoo

Sophia's last day of preschool was on May 19th and the teacher planned for us to meet at the zoo in Lansing that morning.  It turned out to be a beautiful morning and a wonderful way to spend with Sophia's friends before they all go their separate ways for kindergarten (or another year of preschool) in the Fall.

I took the boys with us and was pretty sure that James would sleep for most of the event in his stroller/car seat, while Jack and Sophia walked around until their legs became tired enough that they were ready to head home.  James fussed a couple of times (mainly when I stopped pushing the stroller) and Jack was more disinterested in the animals than I thought that he would be.  Sure, he took the time to look at them briefly, but he seemed more engrossed in all of the pieces of equipment that were zipping around the zoo, spreading mulch and cleaning animal cages.  Maybe it's his age?  Maybe it's just his love of mechanical things?  I'm not sure.  Either way, after about two hours, we were ready to pack up and head out. 

It was a little cool in the morning, so I made the kids wear their jackets.  Eventually, it warmed up and they shed those and threw them in the stroller.

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the start of the field trip:

Posing by the bald eagles:

I waited a sweet forever for that peacock to turn around with its beautiful tail.  It was almost as if it was a little 'camera shy' or something!

Jack must have stuck his head in every single one of these wooden cut-outs scattered throughout the zoo:


There were three lions down in this exhibit:

Checking out the rhino:

A lot of the peacocks were out roaming about.  Jack was excited to see one up close and personal.

Over all, these two had a great time ...  And what made it even better?  After we left, we surprised Grammy (my mom) and brought lunch to her while she was babysitting for my sister, just a couple miles away.

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