Saturday, June 4, 2016

James is Four Months Old

James is four months old today, and what an incredibly happy and joyful little boy he is.  It only takes about 1.5 seconds to get him to smile (and he will smile at anyone, even strangers -- at least right now).  He's ticklish in all the usual places and will often giggle out-loud when you hit one of those areas.  You can't help but laugh right along with him.

There have been a few changes in the last month, including the fact that he has found his thumb.  This is only natural considering that he is constantly jamming his fingers -- right up to his knuckles -- in his mouth.  Oh, the thrills of teething ... drooling and wet fingers. 

Sitting with Papa, chewing on his bib -- another usual activity these days.  I think that we go through about six bibs a day (sometimes more!) because Jimmy soaks them.

James has also started reaching for his toys and gripping them on a regular basis.  He has even begun showing favoritism towards a couple of them in particular. 


Trying to decide which toy he would like to reach for now:

The "favorite toys" tend to go with us attached to the car seat when we are out and about now ...  which, these days happens quite a bit in the mornings.  I find that if we try and run at least one errand in the morning, with the promise or surprise of a trip to a park or lunch, that Sophia and Jack are much happier.  Mornings can be long for them otherwise and James is such a good baby to travel with that I don't really mind.

James has also discovered his voice in the last couple of weeks.  He babbles now with more intention and I often hear him "talking" on the monitor in the middle of the night.  There are changes in his voice inflection and tone.  And he will get louder if he is trying to get your attention.

Jimmy's sleeping patterns are pretty stabilized now (I am knocking on wood as I type!).  He is typically in bed by 9 pm, sometimes a little earlier, and will usually sleep until 6-7 am.  If he gets up in the middle of the night, he will nurse for a bit and then fall back asleep before I transfer him back into his crib.  He is taking a long morning nap (2-3 hours, sometimes) and a shorter afternoon nap (about 2 hours) with a catnap around dinnertime.  And if he doesn't follow this schedule, he is still a pretty easy-going little man.  He just goes with the flow.

It's no secret how much his older sisters and brother just love him.  They often fight over holding him and race downstairs in the morning to see him.  Race!  They dote on him all of the time and I suspect that he will end up being one spoiled little boy. 

Watching Sophia play a game:

Letting Jack help with his bath (Never mind the semi-disinterested look on Jimmy's face; Jack had just missed with his aim and dumped a cupful of water on his face):

And one of my all-time favorite pictures, I think:

I mean, I could just melt when I see the love between all of my kids. 

Do they argue?  Yes.  Do they tattle on one another?  Yes.  Are they sometimes malicious?  Probably.  But overall, they love each other fiercely, and there isn't a single thing that they wouldn't do for one another if they were asked.

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