Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Coloring Easter Eggs

With the more mild weather this year, we chose to do something a little bit different for coloring our Easter eggs.  We typically color them on Saturday night, right before baths, in the kitchen with everyone standing on a stool.  But, Steve and I talked about coloring them outside in the afternoon and we invited our neighbor (and great friend to both of the girls) to join us.

We used our typical small, glass punchbowl cups (that used to belong to my grandma) and hauled our patio table out to the front lawn.

The kids took turns placing the eggs in the cups, rotating them and then removing them to dry on a tray.

Jimmy watched from the other end of the table and played with (non-perishable!) plastic eggs and the cooling/drying racks.

Creating her masterpieces:

Jimmy was certainly happy just watching the kids do their own thing:

The wind was definitely a factor, but the eggs sure dried quickly.

It's safe to say that Jack was pretty pleased with this activity:

 Drying in the sun/wind (for only a few minutes) before I whisked them away to the fridge.  Later, they made the most delicious deviled eggs for our Easter celebration the next day.

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