Friday, January 5, 2018

Polar Plunge 2018

On New Year's Day at high noon, Steve, Samantha and Jack were complete daredevils and participated in a Polar Plunge at one of our neighbor's houses.  They have a bubbler put in to create a hole in the ice and invite anyone down to join them as they run into the freezing water and run back out.  There is a hot tub to warm up in afterwards and hot chili inside with all of the fixings.

This was the first year that we headed down there (the neighbors have been doing this since 2005 but we just now heard about it) and I couldn't believe that Sam and Jack were willing to do it.  Sophia was planning to join them, but opted out at the last minute.  I don't blame her.

The water was measuring a COLD 36 degrees, but I hear that it was completely invigorating.  Maybe next year, I might join.  Maybe.

Most of the willing participants, right before they disrobed and ran in:

I'm not sure that Jack knew what he was in for, but that boy never passes up an opportunity to do something with his dad.

Sam trotted right in, ponytail swinging.


She ran in all the way up to her shoulders and ran back out.  Mission accomplished.

And then it was time for Jack and Steve.

Jack held Steve's hand the whole time and didn't hesitate one bit.  He was the youngest participant to date and everyone was cheering him on!

After running in up to his shoulders, Steve scooped him up and carried him out.

He was a true champ!

What a great start to the new year ...

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