Monday, April 2, 2018

Coloring Easter Eggs

When the kids were younger (and we didn't have all four of them), we used to do a lot of holiday traditions at the kitchen counter -- carving pumpkins, decorating Christmas cookies, coloring Easter eggs, etc.  But as our family has grown, I've modified things and we now set up a table in the Family Room with a plastic tablecloth for those memory-makers.  We started doing this last Halloween and I can see us doing this for the next 15 years!

I put Steve to work preparing the solutions, while I got the kids set up at the table.  It's always nostalgic for me because the glasses that we use belong to the punch bowl that was my grandma's.  It was one of the many things that I asked for when she passed away.

Set up with trays and a disposable tablecloth, and a two-year old that couldn't sit still.  Bunny ears were optional.

Samantha, as the oldest, went first.

Jack was very gentle and put a lot of thought and planning into his eggs.

James, wow.  Steve supervised, but I will admit that I was about 99% sure that we had at least two eggs that cracked when he practically THREW them into the solution.

(Later, I didn't find any that were cracked.  It was an Easter miracle).

These holiday traditions are Sophia's 'love language."  She lives for things like this.

Towards the end, Jimmy was just beginning to understand the point of all of this.  He's also the one child enjoys hard-boiled eggs; the other kids don't really appreciate them yet.

Patiently waiting for the eggs to develop:

Partway through, the kids started getting more creative with their designs and mixing of colors.

The finished eggs -- bright and colorful with a patriotic one thrown in there too, courtesy of Steve.

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