Saturday, September 1, 2018

End of Summer Randoms

Summer Produce --

Cucumbers from our garden:

Lots of tomatoes:

And some sweet corn (store-purchased, but good):


Strawberry Pie -- 

I taught Sophia the fine art of making a pie and she was a complete natural.

Cutting off the excess dough (which was later rolled into strips and baked with butter and cinnamon sugar for the kids):

Filling the pie shell:

My personal favorite part, "fluting the edges:"

She needs a tad more practice on it (and maybe larger fingers), but she was certainly getting the hang of it:


Knitting -- 

Samantha learned to knit and it is the perfect activity for her.  She is now on her second scarf!


Papa's 70th birthday -- 

We celebrated my dad's birthday at our house, complete with grilled shish-kabobs, some sides and cupcakes.  The rest of the time was spent down at the beach, hence the wet hair and swimsuit cover-ups:


The Sandbox -- 

The backyard sandbox has been in full use this summer, especially with the boys.

They play pretty nicely together, but every once is a while, I hear a bit of yelling and find that Jimmy has been banned from the tire sandbox and forced to the other sandbox under the slide.  Brotherly love.


Downtown Pancake Breakfast-- 

The girls begged to have these balloon octopi at the annual downtown Pancake Breakfast (pancakes and sausage served out in the street) and I obliged.  Honestly, I pictured them popping before we even made it home, but they surprisingly lasted for several days.


Chillin' -- 

Partners in crime.  They are never too far away from one another.  And I love that.


Book bags -- 

New book bags and matching lunch bags (purchased every other year) all ready for my full-time learners this year:


Crafting --

Our summertime crafting game was strong this year.  So many fun projects ...


Sidewalk Chalk -- 

Truth be known, Steve loathes sidewalk chalk.  He hates seeing it all over the place and especially doesn't like running over it with vehicles. 

But I love it.  I secretly keep adding to our stash because I have been known to do many drawings out there, sometimes even without the kids.  I just love seeing their creativity in action.

(As a side note, Sophia's hair is starting to get so much longer and thicker these days):

So many pieces and so many colors to choose from:


Miss Diane -- 

Celebrating Miss Diane's birthday with Grandpa at our house, complete with a homemade chocolate cherry cake:


Summertime S'mores --

This might possibly be one of Jack's favorite things ...

It combines his love of fire and dessert.

Jimmy needed a little assistance obviously, so I happily jumped in.

He was pleased with the outcome, of course.

The girls are pros now.

No assistance needed.


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