Friday, May 24, 2019

Jack's 6th Birthday Parties

Jack decided, quite some time ago, that he wanted to celebrate his birthday with a Michigan State themed party.  I thought that that was a such a great idea; even though my undergraduate degree is from UofM, my doctorate is from Michigan State and it is no secret that we "bleed green" in our agriculturally-based family.

This was his first year to celebrate with a "friend party," and to be honest -- I wasn't sure how to plan one for BOYS.  I have the "girl parties" down to a science ... crafts, games, food, gifts, favor bags, etc.  But boys?  Hmmmm ...

So, I started with the favors.  Everyone received some sports-themed pencils, a foam football, some  and athletic foam fingers.

We did a fun activity outside (thank goodness for good weather!) using plaster volcanoes that Jack and I made and painted the week before.  I was able to explain to them how they worked using a simple acid-base reaction and then started them out.

After a little while, I let the boys do the reactions themselves.  And they probably would have done this ALL AFTERNOON if I would have let them.  It was a definite party favorite!

I also had a game set up inside where the boys took turns throwing sticky footballs at a poster to try and score as many points as possible.  Again, this was another crowd favorite (and to be honest, we still have the game set up on the basement door because my kids still love playing it).

The pizza and breadsticks arrived just in time, as these rowdy boys had their hands washed and were ready to EAT.

The boys munched on fresh popcorn while Jack opened his gifts ... and I have to say ... he received some pretty tremendous things.  He opened a NERF bow and arrow, a squirt gun, another industrial NERF gun, sunglasses, water balloon and walkie-talkies.  He's a pretty special little boy.

Soon, it was time to sing "happy birthday" to our 6-year old.

And then, we ended the party with a pinata in the garage!

Even Jimmy joined in for the fun!

Gosh, there was SO MUCH candy!


The next day, we celebrated the birthday boy again with a family party.  

There is always a cake at the family party -- one that I make and design myself.  And what Michigan State party would be complete without SPARTY?

Jack requested hamburgers (of course!) for the party, so we feasted on a huge buffet of those, pasta salad, veggies, fruit and chips.  And then, we paused so that Jack could open his gifts.

I only managed to grab one picture the whole time -- I think that I was just taking it all in -- but Jack truly loved each and every one of the things that he unwrapped.  Lots of Pokemon, summer clothes and sunglasses, some mouse traps, a camping lantern, a singing Bass Fish decoration for his room and this huge squirt gun!

Happy 6th birthday, Jack Stanley!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Happy Birthday, Jack!

It is a tradition that we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast on each of the kids' birthdays.  And then, I stick candles in them and we sing happy birthday.  Sometimes, it is a bit rushed if it is a school morning, but we always make it work.

The kids were up, dressed and ready to celebrate the birthday boy.  (Even Simon, Jimmy's stuffed sloth, joined us at the breakfast table).

Jack was certainly happy that morning, but he was even more surprised/happy when he saw that I had done something different and put LOTS of "happy birthday" candles in the cinnamon rolls.  It took him about three attempts to blow them all out!

He took dirt brownies into school that day to celebrate with his friends (just like Samantha and Sophia had done) and came home later with a special birthday crown.

We ate a quick dinner, opened gifts ...

... and then left in time to head downtown to the annual carnival.

Jack was a pro at the Sharp Shooter game!

And while Jimmy was too little to ride most of the rides, he enjoyed a few of them.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

I began my Mother's Day with a home-cooked breakfast -- waffles, eggs and bacon -- and a few special gifts from the kids set up around the table.  I love reading all of their special sentiments and then I always tuck them away in their Special Boxes so that we can pull them out again in a few years. 

The girls gave me some homemade gifts (that I treasure because of their creativity) and Jack had a lovely snapdragon plant in a pot for me.  But the biggest surprise of all was a beautiful sterling silver necklace from Steve.  It is a rectangular pendant and each of the four sides has our kids' names carved in them. 

My only request that day was a picture with me and the four kids ... it took several attempts and this was a the best that we could get, but I love looking back on all of the photos from year to year and seeing how much they have grown! 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Mid-Week Randoms

One of their most fun activities to do is to walk in the woods together.  I can hear Jack pointing out parts of nature and Jimmy, in typical fashion, asking one question after another.

"Camouflaged" against the tree.

Jack's coat is exactly 1 year older than Jimmy's (both gifts from Papa and Grammy) and has gotten LOTS of wear.  We will have to retire it this Fall, and know that we will need to get him another one shortly after.  It was his favorite coat to wear anywhere, especially to school.


Jack lost his first tooth!  Luckily, this momma was prepared and had a tooth pillow all ready for him.

Setting it up before bed ...


One of the things that Jimmy received in his Easter Basket was a package of foam letters and numbers that we could use for craft projects and for learning our letters and sounds.  We also discovered how fun it is to spread them all out on the table and group them by COLOR.


Dance Recital 2019!  Samantha was in 4 dances plus extra productions and Sophia was in 3 dances.  My mom went with me on Dress Rehearsal Night (as is our annual tradition), while Steve stayed home with the boys.  And then the next afternoon, we swapped and my mom stayed home with the boys while Steve and I (and Grandpa!) went to the recital.

Sophia's Acro costume:

Sam's Acro costume, posing on the stage before the Rehearsal began.  Those legs of hers just amaze me!

Musical Theater where Sam was lifted up on the stage and paraded around ...

Sophia's tap costume -- that girl never stopped smiling during her entire routine on stage.  She was MADE for this.

The girls' ballet costumes were so similar and I couldn't resist grabbing a quick picture of them together backstage.

Sophia, front and center:

Samantha's long, lithe body is gorgeous when she stretches out in full costume.  It makes me miss my years of dance, sometimes.

The last routine of the night was Samantha's tap dance:


My kitchen helper these days is always eager to help.  Looking back over the years, each one of the kids took turns being my special helper, and as they went off to school, the next one stepped up in line.  Next year when Jimmy starts preschool (just two mornings per week), it will seem a little empty.


First Day of School - 2024

The first day of school was on August 22nd and while we hate to see the end of summer come so early, we also know that we will still be able...