Monday, May 6, 2019

Mid-Week Randoms

One of their most fun activities to do is to walk in the woods together.  I can hear Jack pointing out parts of nature and Jimmy, in typical fashion, asking one question after another.

"Camouflaged" against the tree.

Jack's coat is exactly 1 year older than Jimmy's (both gifts from Papa and Grammy) and has gotten LOTS of wear.  We will have to retire it this Fall, and know that we will need to get him another one shortly after.  It was his favorite coat to wear anywhere, especially to school.


Jack lost his first tooth!  Luckily, this momma was prepared and had a tooth pillow all ready for him.

Setting it up before bed ...


One of the things that Jimmy received in his Easter Basket was a package of foam letters and numbers that we could use for craft projects and for learning our letters and sounds.  We also discovered how fun it is to spread them all out on the table and group them by COLOR.


Dance Recital 2019!  Samantha was in 4 dances plus extra productions and Sophia was in 3 dances.  My mom went with me on Dress Rehearsal Night (as is our annual tradition), while Steve stayed home with the boys.  And then the next afternoon, we swapped and my mom stayed home with the boys while Steve and I (and Grandpa!) went to the recital.

Sophia's Acro costume:

Sam's Acro costume, posing on the stage before the Rehearsal began.  Those legs of hers just amaze me!

Musical Theater where Sam was lifted up on the stage and paraded around ...

Sophia's tap costume -- that girl never stopped smiling during her entire routine on stage.  She was MADE for this.

The girls' ballet costumes were so similar and I couldn't resist grabbing a quick picture of them together backstage.

Sophia, front and center:

Samantha's long, lithe body is gorgeous when she stretches out in full costume.  It makes me miss my years of dance, sometimes.

The last routine of the night was Samantha's tap dance:


My kitchen helper these days is always eager to help.  Looking back over the years, each one of the kids took turns being my special helper, and as they went off to school, the next one stepped up in line.  Next year when Jimmy starts preschool (just two mornings per week), it will seem a little empty.


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