Sunday, December 29, 2019

Christmas Cookies

Another item to cross off our Holiday Hopes poster ... Christmas cookies.

Some people make Christmas cookies early in the season and enjoy them all month long.  We, on the other hand, try to wait until closer to the holiday.  That way, we have them for Santa -- Santa prefers fresh cookies -- and we have them for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day when family comes over.

The kids worked on cutting out their shapes while James was napping and then I baked all of them.  By late afternoon, once Jimmy was up from her rest -- the cookies were ready to be frosted.

I have a whole tote of cutters and the kids love choosing which ones they are going to use out of there.

We try to maximize our space on the dough and overall, I think that we ended up with over 5 dozen cookies.

This is my ideal set-up: a disposable plastic table cover that can be rolled up and thrown away when we are done, our well-used platic trays that hold the cookies while we are working and also control the sprinkles, glass bowls of colored frosting and knives for spreading.

Messy bed-head, deep in concentration:

Jack's technique has really improved in the last year; he is more careful and precise with the frosting:

He also has more portion control with the sprinkles:

Samantha spent the majority of her time using a piping bag and designing her Elf cookie:

Jimmy took my "less is more" speech very seriously.

Sophia was quite the worker bee and probably frosted/designed more cookies than anyone.

This never gets old for the kids and I need to really make a point to do this more often; not just once a year.  Maybe for Easter next year?

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