Friday, February 7, 2020

Jimmy's 4th Birthday

Jimmy's 4th birthday -- a highly-anticipated day for him for months now -- fell on a Tuesday.  That meant that it was a school day for him and he was so excited to be able to share it with his friends!  In my usual fashion, I started the big day with cinnamon rolls and candles.

We sand "happy birthday" and watched him blow out his candles:

And Jack made him his own special birthday hat!

I dropped him off at school, with his party favors for his classmates, and then hurried home to wrap his birthday gifts from all of us.  As soon as I picked him up, at 11:00 am, I surprised him by heading to the bakery in town.  He LOVES going there and he ordered his 'usual' -- a blueberry Mickey Mouse pancake with orange juice.

Later that day, Steve arrived home from work an hour early so that we could celebrate the birthday boy in style before I needed to leave to head into work.  Can you tell that he was excited?!

For all birthdays, I usually choose the presents (unless there is something specific that one of the kids wants to purchase for their sibling) and then let them choose which gift they want to give before I wrap all of them.  It works out really well ...

Such seriousness amid all of the birthday excitement:

Sunglasses are always a great idea because we seem to be forever losing them.  And if they are Spiderman ones, they are even better!!!

Chocolate chip muffins and MORE CANDLES!

Happy birthday, James Michael!  I hope that your 4th year is everything you hoped that it would be!

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