Monday, April 27, 2020

Easter 2020

This year's Easter looked a lot different than any of the ones before.  We had hoped that the Stay at Home Order issued by the governor in the middle of this coronavirus pandemic would be lifted in time for families to celebrate at church and with their loved ones.  Instead, it continued and that meant that the traditional Easter Egg Hunts, church services and Sunday dinners were all canceled.

The kids were disappointed about this, but we made the best of it.  We colored eggs and planned our own small Easter dinner (I had to go to 'Plan B' upon discovering, at the last minute, that my online personal shopper that I used to secure groceries during a time when it was not feasible to go to a grocery store bought expired chicken breasts for me).  The Easter Bunny was immune to the virus (thank goodness!) so there was a special Easter Egg Hunt outside and candy and filled Easter baskets  ... and memories to last forever.

'Twas the night before Easter and the baskets were filled -- before the Bunny whisked them away to be hidden:

The Easter Bunny wrote a special note with instructions on where their baskets had gone.

Samantha read the note out loud explaining that each of the kids were assigned an egg color and they were to start with the eggs on the plate (next to the partially-chewed carrot and celery).  Inside that egg was a clue that would lead them to the next egg ... and so on until they finally found their Easter Basket with the very last clue.

Sophia's assigned egg color was pink, of course!

Jack took time to carefully read each of his clues and decipher where he was to look next.

Steve helped Jimmy by reading his clues and eventually, Jimmy found his basket hidden under our bed:

And size of that chocolate bunny?!  I laughed about it for a long time.  You see, during a pandemic when most stores are closed, the Easter Bunny did a lot of ordering online.  And The Easter Bunny grossly underestimated the size of that chocolate bunny compared to the others!

Sophia found her basket hidden in her closet and is still questioning how/when the Bunny made it into her room while she was sleeping.

The cutest (more realistically-sized) chocolate bunny:

Jack found his under the sink in the boys' bathroom downstairs.

Samantha struggled with her clues the most.  The Bunny did make hers a little more challenging, but she was really not on top of her game that morning!  It took her the longest of any of the kids to find her basket, which was hidden in my craft closet in the basement.

After the appropriate amount of 'oooohing and aaahhhhing' over everything in their baskets (the Easter Bunny prides himself on picking out the perfect little things for everyone!), the kids dressed warmly with boots to head outside into the early morning Spring weather.

The Easter Bunny has never done an Easter Egg Hunt OUTSIDE for the kids, but decided to do one this year because the kids were so bummed about not being able to head down to the park the day before, like we have always done in the past.

The eggs were scattered in both the back yard and the front yard -- 20 for each kid -- and each of them were assigned a particular color.  This avoids most arguing and more importantly, they know when they are done looking.

Whew, there were some tricky ones out there and the kids made a couple of loops around the house to make sure that they found all of theirs!

Sam's were some of the hardest ones to find before her assigned color was green and it matched a lot of the green grass and plants that were starting to grow.

Blue eggs for my blue-eyed boy!

Jimmy is a certified egg-hunting expert now.  He understood the rules entirely and managed to find all 20 of his blue eggs all on his own.

Counting their eggs on the sidewalk:

These girls really are the best of friends when they want to be:

Looking at this picture reminds he that Jack was in dire need of a haircut.  During the pandemic, the hair salons have been shut down and Steve is waiting for a new set of clippers to arrive that he ordered for cutting the boys' hair.  (Shipping has slowed down significantly if the orders are for what are considered to be nonessential items).

Almost done ... and ready to open them up and collect all of the candy inside!

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