Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas Eve 2020

We celebrated Christmas Eve with Steve's dad coming over to our house for an early dinner.  It was low-key and the best way to spend a Friday night.  The guys played pool and enjoyed snacks while I put the finishing touches on our meal and the side dishes for the next day.  

Grandpa did his own shopping for the kids ... and they loved his idea of Amazon gift cards where they could choose ANYTHING that they wanted.  Anything at all.  They boys also received some old fashioned cap guns which they used excessively for the rest of the night -- and the next day -- and forever forward.  In fact, Steve made a special trip to the Farm Store to get them more caps after they used up the lifetime supply that Grandpa gave them.

One of our favorite things to do on Christmas Eve is to don coats and boots and head outside to sprinkle Reindeer Food on the lawn.  I love looking back at the pictures to see how much the kids have grown and how much (or how little) snow there is on the ground.  

This year, there was no snow on the ground for the sprinkling, but we woke to a covering on everything the next morning.

Lots of glitter for Santa's reindeer to see, illuminated by the moonlight on the lawn.

They were all posed and ready to throw their Reindeer Food in the air!

Luckily, this 12-year old still believes in the magic of traditions.

Pure joy!

Afterwards, the kids came back inside and opened their traditional Christmas Eve gift from Steve and me.  By now, they all know that it is pajamas -- and ones that they are to wear to bed that night -- but they are thrilled to see just which ones I picked out for them.  It also means that I am able to have the presents wrapped way ahead of time under the tree for them to speculate about ...

Yes, fleece pajama pants for the WIN.  And pink ones too.

Sleigh All Day!  The softest shirt ever and fleece pants again.  Nailed it.

Jack's are probably his favorite pair ever.  Again, fleece.  But with dinosaurs.  And Santa hats.

Jimmy ripped his open so fast that I did not grab a picture, but his were fleece also.  This picture might end up being one of my favorites ever.  Clean and in new pajamas, ready to see what Santa brings them the next morning.

After Grandpa left, the last tradition of the night was to pick out cookies for Santa and set them out (with chocolate milk!) on a plate for him.  There were SO MANY options, but they managed to each choose one -- sugar cookies and a gingerbread cookie.  Santa definitely approved.

And to all, a good night!

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