Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Mid-Week Randoms

All 2nd grade students are required to do an animal research project at the end of the school year.  They spend dedicated time in the classroom collecting information and facts and then they are asked to design a poster at home detailing those items.  When they are finished, they bring the poster into school and present it in front of the whole class.  

Jack chose to do his research on cheetahs and asked me if I would draw one for him in the center.  He wrote all of the surrounding information himself (he has such nice handwriting for a boy -- especially with no lines to follow!) and opted to include some jungle leaves (leftover from Sam's rainforest party decorations).  He did a phenomenal job presenting and now the poster is hung up in his bedroom.


Cinco de Mayo calls for lime cupcakes (they were later frosted with cream cheese frosting and lime zest) and I had a special little boy that opted to be my "taste tester."


Jack played Flag Football this Spring and really enjoyed it.  It was only between the boys in Laingsburg (no other competing schools) and required very little commitment -- just 6 Saturdays in a row for about 1.5 hours each time.

It was pretty cold and windy most of the Saturdays so Steve took him most of the time, but I was glad to see him in action a couple of the days.


Sophia ran for 4th Grade Class President -- and WON!  On the day of the election, I surprised her with this shirt and it was a big hit among her classmates.  It has also become one of her favorite t-shirts and she wears it consistently at least twice per week now.


For Spirit Week in the middle school, one of the days was "Dress for Prom."  While Samantha did not have anything readily appropriate in her closet, she was able to borrow a couple of dresses from one of our neighbors and try them on.  This one was the winner and I couldn't believe just how grown-up she looked!


Springtime means that it is time to begin mowing on a regular basis and Jimmy wanted to have a chance to try out the lawn mower.  At the age of 5, he is obviously not ready to actually start "mowing," but we let him drive the tractor around for a little while in the front yard.


Jack has the worst gag reflex, ever.  As a result, we switched dentists for him about 2 years ago and he now sees a pediatric dentist that uses laughing gas to help with any procedures that he needs to have done.  His gag reflex initially prevented us from obtaining decent x-rays on his teeth early on and there were some cavities between his teeth where we ended up just simply having those baby teeth pulled.  We also learned from those x-rays that not only was Jack born with an extra baby tooth on the top, but also an extra adult tooth too.

This month, we were at a crossroads where the correct adult tooth was ready to start dropping into place, but the extra adult tooth (next to it) was in its way along with the extra baby tooth and actual baby tooth below.  The solution?  Three teeth needed to be pulled to make room for the correct adult tooth before his mouth would begin shifting for the accommodation.

While not ideal, we had no choice to have them all pulled at once.  The whole procedure took less than 45 minutes, required no stitches -- just some numbness -- and Jack was a real trooper throughout all of it.

And, the best part was that the Tooth Fairy was really generous that night.  Not only did she let him keep all of the teeth, but she left a really neat receipt for his scrapbook and a $2 bill (Jack had never seen one before!) and 3 silver dollar coins.


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