Thursday, December 9, 2021

Gingerbread Houses

As a mom, I LOVE traditions.  Over the years, the kids have come to count on them and it really gives all of us things to look forward to -- especially this time of year.  One of our annual Christmas traditions is to decorate gingerbread houses.  Now, we all know that I am a fan of those that are pre-assembled.  And I like pairing up the kids (brown-eyed vs. blue-eyed or boys vs. girls) because it inspires teamwork.  As the kids get older these details may change and they may want to actually assemble houses themselves.  Or, they may want to work individually.  And I am just fine with that ... as long as we always put together houses each year.

This year, Christmas Catherine (our elf) brought two houses -- already assembled, of course! -- and the kids were happy to pair up and work on them together one afternoon.  

The kits come with some candy for decorations, but I always add a few extra bowls to the table ... especially if I have some leftover Halloween candy still in the cupboard.

The girls were in charge of the icing and worked feverishly at it.

Jimmy had his own design ideas in mind and Sophia let him embellish however he desired.

Adding icing to mints to eventually turn them into windows.

Jack started with the roof and worked his way down.

Sophia opted for a full, snow-covered roof:

And Samantha chose more of an icicle design:

The finished products that they proudly put on display in the house for the rest of the holiday season:

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