Saturday, August 26, 2023

First Day of School - 2023

The kids started school on August 24th this year and will ultimately be leaving the house at three different times in the morning.  For the first day, though, the girls both left at the same time and I managed to grab our traditional First Day of School pictures even if it was still pretty dark out.

First day of 10th Grade:

First Day of 7th Grade:

Steve always hangs out for a bit before heading into work so that he can see the kids off to school on their first day each year:

Just two girls waiting for the bus together with their popular (but expensive) Stanley water bottles:

Jimmy surprised us by waking up early and jumped in with the girls for a quick picture:

First Day of 2nd Grade:

First Day of 5th Grade:

Next year, Jack will be entering the Middle School and we will just have one last kiddo at the Elementary School:

Waiting for their bus pick-up, which is exactly one hour later than the girls' pick-up:

Like last year, Samantha will be taking "zero hour" again and doing Jazz Band.  Once that starts, she will need to leave the house at 6:30 am (Steve will drop her off at the high school before he heads into work) and than Sophia will be picked up at 7:00 am by the bus and the boys will be picked up at 8:00 am by their bus.  

When the school system integrated this split system for the buses last year, I was convinced that I would hate it -- so many different pick-up and drop-off times.  But, I have grown to enjoy it because it means less chaos and rushing in the mornings for us.  Plus, the girls arrive home an hour earlier than the boys, giving them time to settle in and begin homework before the noisier ones get dropped off.

Here's to another great school year!

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First Day of School - 2024

The first day of school was on August 22nd and while we hate to see the end of summer come so early, we also know that we will still be able...