Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Growing Girl

In just the last couple of weeks, Sophia has really started to make some major advancements in her development. While she isn't crawling yet, both Steve and myself know that she is making grand strides in that area. Steve predicts that she will be crawling by Christmas (I am personally hoping that it doesn't start until just after Christmas; like, right after we take down the Christmas trees!).

Here is an example of her maneuver to grasp something that is just out of her reach:

Followed by a little belly flop:

And then she scoots (just barely) to her anticipated destination. She still hasn't figured out how to prop herself onto her knees for proper crawling, but it is just a matter of time ...

Also, in the last week, she has started waving and clapping on command. If you ask her to wave (and she sees you doing it), she responds by doing it back to you. And she is so proud of herself! She loves to clap, too!

The other day, I set her up in the kitchen with a little snack while I was preparing dinner. I just didn't feel like hauling the high chair into the kitchen (it was in the dining room), so I put her on the floor with her snack ... and this is what she did:

Sure, it was a small mess, but she did a good job of cleaning it up (and yes, my floors had just been cleaned that day!):

And it kept her happy and occupied for quite some time:

I know that she is petite for her age (Sam was too), but she seems to be progressing developmentally at about the same rate as Samantha. We finally go to the doctor for her check-up next week (2 weeks late because of the big snowstorm) and I will confirm with the doctor that she is right on track ...

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