Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Midweek Randoms

I have to say that we've been pretty fortunate that Sophia doesn't really get into too many cupboards or drawers in our house.  I think that the biggest reason for that is that Samantha and I keep her pretty occupied.  Plus, she has a decent amount of room to roam in this house and therefore does not get bored as easily. 

Last week, I did catch her doing this, though:

She entertained herself by opening the door and putting her milk sippee in there.

And then she moved onto a completely harmless drawer.

Followed by a quick spin around the family room on her car (backwards, because she still isn't sure how to go forward on it yet).


We had a picnic outside for lunch last week.  I think that it is quite possibly one of Samantha's most favorite things to do.  It almost doesn't even matter WHAT we are having for the meal; I just need to spread a blanket out and call it a picnic and she is thrilled.

Having a juice box just only adds to her excitement:

And Pringles are a close second:

Sophia is content with graham crackers:

Within minutes, Sam has her shoes and socks off so that she can enjoy the rays of sunshine:


We've also spent a lot of time outside blowing bubbles.  Sophia "tries" -- oh, how she tries! 

Often, she will just give up and try something else, like reading a book:

Or she'll climb on her four-wheeler and take off -- pausing to see if anyone is watching:


Grandpa Lapinski picked up some Lincoln Logs at a garage sale last weekend, and they have been Sam's favorite thing to play with lately ... if Daddy helps her.  I think that I have witnessed the construction of a house, barn, garage and even an outhouse now!


Sophia LOVES this piggy bank.  It was Sam's when she was little and it sings while you put the coins in it.  Occasionally, Sophia will have a small meltdown when the coin won't go in the slot, but she sure works hard to get it in there.

My girls (note the casual pose that Sophia took):


This scene just tickles me to death!  Both girls standing at the kitchen set, hard at work preparing something for me on Mother's Day:


Sophia wants to do EVERYTHING that Sam does. 

She puts on her bracelets:

She even takes her headbands and puts them on her own head -- by herself.  What can I say, my girl knows how to wear a headband!!


We made cookies to take to my mom for Mother's Day, along with her other gifts and cards.  I made the flower-shaped cookies while Sam was napping.  And then, with the left-over dough, I surprised Sam by making some dinosaur cookies.  She got to decorate them when she got up from her nap.

She takes her job very seriously:

Her "assistant" in the background serves as the taste-tester, obviously:

We love sprinkles!

Yeah, the "assistant" takes her role just as seriously:


Last night, Sam took her sister for a ride in the jeep.  Sophia was strapped in (don't worry!).  They both had a blast!


Steve did a science experiment with Samantha last night, and I am happy to say that we might have a future scientist on our hands!  That makes this Momma (and chemist) so thrilled, to say the least!

Pouring vinegar on baking soda:

Watching the chemical reaction take place:

Getting her hands dirty:


And finally, I just never seem to get tired of taking pictures of either of my girls taking time to smell the flowers:

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