Sunday, May 20, 2012

"Touch A Truck" Event

Yesterday, we took the girls to St. Johns to the "Touch A Truck" event that they were hosting.  There were several emergency vehicles parked all around, and the kids were able to climb up in them and ask any questions that they wanted.  They also had some "goodie bags" for the kids, along with crafts and various vendors from the area.

By far, the most exciting thing for Samantha was the corn box that was set up.  The children could take off their shoes and play in it, much like a sandbox.  She did this twice, and would have done it more times if we would have let her.

The Farm Bureau booth was passing out farm animal hats, and Sam chose a pig hat.

She got to sit up in one of the big fire trucks and pretend to drive.

And she got to sit in the back and check out all of the gear.

I think that Steve's favorite part was the helicoptor.  Sam got to practice putting on the seatbelt in the helicoptor.

Sophia was feeling a little "under the weather," but managed to fake a little smile for the camera.

There was a booth set up where you could get your eyesight checked, and so we had Samantha's evaluated.  She did great and her eyesight is perfect.  Here she is waiting for the printout from the computer.

I got to do a couple of crafts with Sam and when we done, we got to choose any boardgame we wanted from the selection that was on the table.  This was a wonderful surprise, and we chose "Chutes and Ladders."  Sam loves it.

Finally, before we left, Sam was able to get her face painted -- for the first time ever.  She chose a butterfly and it turned out so cute.

The finished product:

This was a great way to spend a Saturday morning.  We probably would have stayed a tad bit longer, but Sophia was starting to get antsy and it was hard to console her.  I suspect that she will start feeling better soon, and can't wait to have my little girl back to her normal, healthy self.

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